Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. Jan 25, 2016; 8(2): 86-103
Published online Jan 25, 2016. doi: 10.4253/wjge.v8.i2.86
Table 1 Indications and contraindications of peroral endoscopic myotomy
Absolute indications
Primary idiopathic achalasia of all types [classical (I), vigorous (II), spastic (III)] (Chicago
Relative indications
Other hypertensive motor disorders (diffuse esophageal spasm, nutcracker or jackhammer esophagus). HRTM necessary
Failed surgical myotomy (POEM at the opposite site manly posterior POEM)
Failed pneumatic balloon dilatation
Failed previous POEM. Redo POEM at the opposite site mainly posterior POEM necessary
Advanced sigmoid type achalasia with mega esophagus (bilateral POEM may be necessary)
Children with achalasia (relative indication in experienced hands and specialized centers only)
Elderly with achalasia and comorbidities and non-surgical candidates (relative indication in experienced hands and specialized centers only)
Absolute contraindications
Severe cardiopulmonary disease or other serious disease
Failure in creating the submucosal tunnel because of severe fibrosis and adhesion
Relative contraindications
Severe esophagitis and/or very large ulcer in the lower esophagus
Recent endoscopic treatment such as EMR, ESD
Table 2 Issues of peroral endoscopic myotomy that need further study
TT-knife vs ERBE knife vs other knives
Posterior vs anterior myotomy vs bilateral myotomy
Selective circular vs full thickness myotomy
EndoFLIP technique vs classical tricks to evaluate adequacy of myotomy
Mucosal closure clips vs OverStitch
POEM vs LHM or surgical myotomy
GERD after POEM (treatment necessary, e.g., antireflux procedure, PPIs?)
Training system for POEM
How the risk of mishaps related to POEM can be diminished?
Table 3 Advantages and disadvantages of peroral endoscopic myotomy vs laparoscopic Heller myotomy
Advantages of POEM
Myotomy lengthLonger myotomy up to 25 cmShort myotomy maximum 6 cm
Minimally invasive methodInvasive (major surgery)
HospitalizationLess hospitalization (1-5 d)Longer hospitalization > 5 d
Myotomy depthSelective circular myotomy possibleOnly full-thickness myotomy
Other esophageal motility disordersEffective for esophageal spasm, nut cracker and jackhammer esophagusCombined laparoscopic and thoracoscopic approach is necessary to obtain equivalent myotomy
Sigmoid achalasiaEffective in all types of achalasia even in end-stage, sigmoid type (S2) achalasia with megaesophagusMajor surgery such as esophagectomy may be necessary
Elderly patientsEffective in elderly with comorbidities and contraindicationsContra indication for surgery
In failed surgicalPOEM after failed surgical myotomy is effectiveRedo-surgery often with high rates of failure and complications
CostLower hospitalization and lower costHigher cost in combination to surgical procedure
GERDLess common and lower severity. No antireflux procedure (fundoplication) necessary at the moment. Further study necessaryFundoplication necessary and routinely performed Complications from fundoplication
Does not preclude surgeryPOEM more difficult after LHM
Bilateral POEM possible
Disadvantages of POEM
Follow-upShort follow-up (novel technique)Longer follow-up
POEM restricted to specialized centersCommon surgical or laparoscopic procedure overall available
TrainingDifficult (no so many centers)Overall available
Table 4 Complications of peroral endoscopic myotomy[58]
Common complications
Gas-related complications (minor)
Subcutaneous emphysema (31.6%)
Capno/pneumomediastinum (10%-22%)
Capno/pneumothorax (11%)
Capno/pneumoperitoneum (30.6%)[58]
Mucosal injury-perforation (mediastinal or peritoneal leak) (0.3%) (major)
Mediastinitis (insufficient data)
Peritonitis (insufficient data)
Retroperitoneal abscess (2 proved cases reported)
Pleural effusion (insufficient data)
Pneumonitis (insufficient data)
GI fistula (insufficient data)
Fever (temperature > 38 °C)
Severe postoperative pain
Rare complications
Delay postoperative bleeding (1.1%)
Hematoma within the tunnel
Submucosal infection
Mortality (0.025%) (Single death/4000 POEM cases)
Table 5 Efficacy and complications of peroral endoscopic myotomy
Ref.Patients (n)Mean age (yr)Eckardt score (pre/post)LES pressure (pre/post) (mmHg)Follow-up (mo)EfficacyObjective GERD evidence n (%)
Onimaru et al[12], Yokohama, Japan30045 (3-87)6.13/1.3327.3/13.41298%10%
Zhou et al[4], Fudan, China4244 (10-70)2.5 (1-6)100%
Minami et al[32], Nagasaki, Japan2852 (19-84)6.7/0.771.2/2116100%Esophagitis 39.3%
Swanström et al[65], Portland, Oregon1859 (22-88)6/045/16.8694%Esophagitis grade 1
+pH study
Costamagna et al[39], Rome, Italy1141 (23-68)7.1/1.145.1/16.93100%
Chiu et al[64], Hong Kong, China1647 (22-87)5.5/043.6/29.83100%+pH study 3/15 (20%)
Hungness et al[53], Chicago, Illinois1838 (22-69)7/119/96389%Esophagitis LA 33.3%
A 13.3%
B 13.3%
C 6.7%
Von Renteln et al[60], European, CT70456.9/127.6/8.91282%Esophagitis 42%
LA class
A 29.2%
B 12.3%
Stavropoulos et al[85], Mineola, New York100527.8/0.244.2/17.613.396%17/53 (32%)
Verlaan et al[37], Amsterdam, The Netherlands10438/120.5/6.83100%60%
LA class
A 30%
B 30%
Table 6 Indications and contraindications of peroral endoscopic tumor resection
Absolute indications
Suspected or confirmed GIST of the esophagus and gastric cardia larger than 2-3 cm and lower than 5 cm, and tumor growth on follow-up
Suspected or confirmed leiomyoma of the esophagus and gastric cardia larger than > 2-3 cm and < 5 cm
Esophageal or gastric cardia SMTs in elderly with comorbidities and non-surgical candidates completed the above criteria (only in experienced hands and specialized centers)
POET does not exclude surgery. Complete histological diagnosis possible with POET
Relative indications
Esophageal and gastric SMT more than 5 cm (full-thickness resection using submucosal tunnel technique possible) (in experienced hands and specialized centers only and within studies)
Suspected or proved malignancy of SMTs
Table 7 Advantages and disadvantages of peroral endoscopic tumor resection vs surgery
Advantages of POET
POETSurgical myotomy
Minimally invasive methodInvasive (major surgery)
HospitalizationLess hospitalization (1-5 d)Longer hospitalization > 5 d
Specimen for complete histology possible
Does not preclude surgery
Elderly patientsEffective in elderly with comorbidities and contraindications (only specialized centers)Contra indication for surgery
CostLower hospitalization and lower costHigher cost in combination to surgical procedure
Disadvantages of POET
Follow-upShort follow-up (novel technique)Longer follow-up
POEMPOET restricted to specialized centersCommon surgical or laparoscopic procedure overall available
TrainingDifficult (only few centers worldwide)Overall available
OutcomeComplete curable resection may be not possible in malignant GIST casesComplete resection possible
Table 8 Future perspectives of submucosal tunnel endoscopy
Endoscopic vagotomy?
Endoscopic thoracoscopy?
Endoscopic retroperitoneoscopy?
Endoscopic peritoneoscopy?
Endoscopic sympathectomy