Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Hepatol. May 18, 2015; 7(8): 1112-1124
Published online May 18, 2015. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v7.i8.1112
Table 1 Characteristics and outcomes of the included studies in critically ill cirrhotics
Ref.Study design; study period; countryNo. of patients; type of liver diseaseAdrenal failureOther observationsDefinition of adrenal failure
Etogo-Asse et al[49]Prospective, observational; 2007-2009; United Kingdom163 patients; 89 ALF and 74 AOCLF-56 ALF and 36 AOCLF underwent SSTAOCLF: 21/36 58% ALF: 27/56 48%Among those with AI 17/32 (47%) with HDL < 0.1 mmol/L vs 2/17 (12%) with HDL > 0.6 mmol/L had increment < 250 nmol/L HDL was lower in non survivors both in AOFLD and ALFSST to those required vasopressor administration or cardiovascular instability CIRCI: Basal cortisol < 275 nmol/L or delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L
Triantos et al[5]Prospective, observational; NR; NR20 patients; cirrhosis and variceal bleeding vs 74 controls (14 healthy and 60 stable cirrhosis)SST: 6/20 30% LDSST: 6/10 60% Healthy (SST and LDSST): 0/14 0% Stable (LDSST): 24/50 48% Stable (SST): 3/10 30%AI wasn't associated with outcome Those with AI and variceal bleeding had higher baseline and peak level of cortisol with stable cirrhotic, but similar delta cortisol With SST for albumin > 2.5 mg/dL, AI: 4/16 (25%) with variceal bleeding vs 1/8 (12.5%) in cirrhosis control With LDSST, for albumin > 2.5 mg/dL, AI: 6/10 (80%) with variceal bleeding vs 16/39 (41%) in cirrhosis controlSST AI: Peak cortisol < 500 nmol/L in non-stressed patients and delta cortisol of < 250 nmol/L or a random total cortisol < 276 nmol/L in stressed patients LDSST ΑΙ: Peak cortisol < 500 nmol/L in non-stressed patients and peak cortisol level of < 690 nmol/L or a delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L in stressed patients
Thevenot et al[7]Prospective; 2008-2009; France30 patients; septic cirrhotic3/30 10%Significant correlation between salivary and serum free cortisol (P < 0.0001) Serum total cortisol were significantly lower in Child-Pugh score C than B or A, in contrary with free cortisol which had a non significant riseSST-AI: Post-SST SC < 510.4 nmol/L Salivary cortisol was also calculated
Arabi et al[48]Randomized double blind; 2004-2007; Saudi Arabi75 patients; septic shock and cirrhosis in ICU57/75 76%SST RAI: Delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L
du Cheyron et al[6]Prospective; 2003-2005; France50 patients; decompensated cirrhosis in ICU (critical ill with acute on chronic liver disease)31/50 62%SST AI: Baseline cortisol value < 414 nmol/L, or delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L with a baseline value between 414 and 938 nmol/L
Thierry et al[52]Prospective; March to December 2005; France34 patients; septic shock, 14 with and 20 without cirrhosisCirrhotic: 11/14 77% Non cirrhotic: 10/20 50%SST baseline cortisol < 414 nmol/L and/or delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L
Fernández et al[53]Prospective and retrospective; group 1 2004-2006, group 2 2001-2004Group 1: 25 patients; cirrhosis and septic shock Group 2: 50 patients; no assessment of adrenal function17/25 68%SST RAI: (1) Baseline cortisol concentration < 414 nmol/L or (2) delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L in patients with baseline cortisol concentration < 966 nmol/L
Tsai et al[54]2004-2005; Taiwan101; cirrhosis and severe sepsis required ICU52/101 51.4% Hemodynamically unstable: 43/54 79.61% Stable: 9/47 19.14%ICU mortality: 71.4% vs 26.5% Hospital mortality: 80.7% vs 36.7% (AI vs normal) Correlation with the severity of liver diseaseSST AI: Baseline value < 414 nmol/L, or delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L with a baseline value between 414 and 938 nmol/L
Marik et al[23]Retrospective; NR; United States221 patients; LTICUAt admission: 120/221 54% In 3 d: 16/101 16%Low HDL could predict the development of AILDSST AI: (1) a random (stress) cortisol < 552 nmol/L in patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure, hypotension or requiring vasopressor agents and (2) a random level < 414 nmol/L or a 30-min post-low-dose cosyntropin stimulation test level of < 552 nmol/L in non-highly stressed patients
Marik et al[4]Retrospective; 2002-2004; United States340 patients; ALD, CLD, post OLT recently and remote LTOverall: 245/340 72% ALD: 8/24 33% CLD: 97/146 66% Remote LT: 31/51 61% Recent LT: 109/119 92% Among those treated with vasopressors: 125/166 75%Low HDL could predict the development of AILDSST AI: (1) a random (stress) cortisol < 552 nmol/L in patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure, hypotension or requiring vasopressor agents and (2) a random level < 414 nmol/L or a 30-min post-low-dose cosyntropin stimulation test level of < 552 nmol/L in non highly stressed patients
Nair et al[51]IndiaCritical ill cirrhotic in ICU, without sepsis73.5%AI is not associated with severity of liver disease, CRP or etiology of cirrhosisSST RAI: random basal TC ≤ 276 nmol/L or delta cortisol ≤ 250 nmol/L
Saffioti et al[55]2009-201380; cirrhotic pre-LT18/80 22.5%Patients with AI had higher MELD (19 vs 15; P = 0.003), pre-LT INR, bilirubin and potassium, and lower sodium and haemoglobin levelsSST AI: At least 2 of the following: baseline cortisol < 148 nmol/L, peak cortisol < 550 nmol/L, delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L
Graupera et al[50]Spain37; cirrhotic with severe variceal bleeding14/37 38%6 wk survival 64% without and 31% with RAI No differences in overall survivalSST RAI: Baseline serum cortisol < 414 nmol/L or delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L
Table 2 Characteristics and outcomes of the included studies in not critically ill cirrhotic patients
Ref.Study design; study period; countryNo. of patients; type of liver diseaseAdrenal failureOther observationsDefinition of adrenal failure
Fede et al[56]Prospective, observational; NR; United Kingdom79 patients; cirrhotics for pretransplatation or decompensation of cirrhosisTC: 27/79 (34%) FC: 22/79 (28%) [for FC < 25: 15/79 (19%)] FCI: 24/79 (30%)AI was not correlated with the outcomeLDSST AI: Peak TC < 494 nmol/L at 20 or 30 min FC < 33 nmol/L FCI < 12
Acevedo et al[57]Prospective, observational; 2008-2010 Spain143 patients; acute decompensation of cirrhosis - follow up for 3 mo37/143 (26%)RAI was similar between different Child-Pugh scores and various causes of decompensations with the exception of HRS type-1 (trend for higher proportions) RAI was correlated with worse outcome both during hospitalization and in 3 mo periodSST RAI: Delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L in patients with basal serum TC < 938 nmol/L
Kharb et al[10]Cross sectional; 2010-2011; India25 ALD, 50 CLD, 10 post liver transplantedALD: 9/25 (34.6%) CLD: 20/50 (40%) (18/30 with child 2, 3 and 2/20 with child 1) Post LT: 4/10 (40%) RAI: ALD: 17/25 (65.4%), CLD: 23/50 (46%), post LT: 7/10 (70%)AI was correlated with severity of liver diseaseSST AI: Basal cortisol levels < 83 nmol/L or a peak cortisol response < 500 nmol/L RAI: Delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L
Thevenot et al[7]Prospective; 2008-2009; France95 patients; hemodynamiccally stable cirrhotic mainly alcoholic7/95 (7.4%) 18/95 (19%) 26/95 (27.4%) 47/95 (49.4%) (According each threshold)Patients with Child C cirrhosis and those with ascites had higher non significant rise in basal and stimulated serum FC Serum FC levels were directly associated with the risk of non transplant-related mortalityLDSST AI: (1) basal serum TC < 138 nmol/L and a T30 serum TC < 440 nmol/L; (2) T30 serum TC < 500 nmol/L; (3) delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L
Fede et al[8]Prospective, observational; NR; United Kingdom101 patients; stable cirrhosis(1) 38/101 (38%) (2) 29/101 (29%) (3) 61/101 (60%) (4) 0/41 (0%)AI was more frequent in hypoalbuminemic patients, according TC and delta cortisol and related with the severity of liver disease TC and cFC were significantly related FCI was lower in patients with AILDSST, FCI, cFC AI: Peak (1) TC < 500 nmol/L (2) TC < 442 nmol/L (3) Delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L (4) FCI < 12
Tan et al[9]Prospective, observational; 2008-2009; Australia43 patients; stable cirrhosis(1) 18/43 (39%) (2) 20/43 (47%) (3) 5/43 (12%) (4) 25/43 (58%) (5) 10/43 (23%)With serum FC criteria, patients with AI had significantly higher MELD score (P = 0.03) and mortality (P = 0.0007) Serum TC was correlated well with serum FC in pts with albumin both > and < 30 g/L Serum FC correlated significantly with FCI at baseline but less strongly with peak FC Overall survival at 6 and 12 mo was similar between AI and non AI group according TCSST (1) Standard criteria: peak TC < 500 nmol/L (2) CIRCI criteria: delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L (3) Peak serum FC < 33 nmol/L (4) Any set of criteria (5) FCI < 12
Galbois et al[36]Prospective, observational; 2006-2009; France88 patients; complication of cirrhosis - alcoholic mainlyTC: 29/88 (33%) SC: 8/88 (9.1%)There was correlation between cFC and SC Between SC and TC there was correlation for alb > 2.5 mg/dL whereas for alb < 2.5 mg/dL there was correlation for T0 but no for T60 or delta cortisol Acites and HDL were independent risk factors for AISST TC: basal TC < 250 nmol/L or in T60 < 500 nmol/L or delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L SC: T0 < 1.8 ng/mL or T60 < 12.7 ng/mL or delta cortisol < 3 ng/mL
Vincent et al[58]Retrospective; NR; NR26 patients; 15 CLD and 11 ALDTC: 12/26 (46%) FCI: 3/26 (13%)SST TC < 550 nmol/L FCI < 12
Shin et al[62]Prospective; 2011-2012; South Korea50 patients; stable cirrhosis22/50 (44%)AI was not related with the etiology of cirrhosis or alcohol consumption but only with the severity of liver diseaseSST TC < 550 nmol/L
Privitera et al[63]NR; NR; Italy82 patients; cirrhotic stable26/82 (32%)In cirrhotic with AI, there was significant reduction in total cholesterol, TRG and ApoA1, but not in total HDL, HDL2 and HDL3LDSST TC < 500 nmol/L
Cholongitas et al[60]Prospective; 2010-2012; Greece89 patients; stable decompensated cirrhosisTC: 49/89 (55%) SC: 33/89 (37%)For albumin > 2.5, TC and SC correlated for T0 and T60 Urinary potassium was the only factor significant associated with SC-AISST TC, SC
Acevedo et al[59]Prospective; 2007-2009; Spain198 patients; 10 with compensated and 188 with decompensated cirrhosis(1) 120/188 (64%), 8/10 (80%) (2) 51/188 (27%), 2/10 (22%)No significant difference in mortality between patient with or without RAISST RAI: Basal TC < 414 nmol/L and/or delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L (criteria 1) or delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L (criteria 2)
Acevedo et al[64]Prospective; 2007-2010; Spain166 patients; advanced cirrhosis43/166 (26%)Those with RAI had higher degree of circulatory dysfunction, SIRS (P = 0.01), septic shock (P = 0.01) and hospital mortality (P = 0.04)SST RAI: Delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L
Risso et al[61]NR; NR; NR85; stable cirrhotic with ascites33/85 (39%)AI was associated with reduced survival (P = 0.03)SST RAI: Delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L and/or peak cortisol < 500 nmol/L
Table 3 Characteristics and outcomes of the included studies in post transplanted patients
Ref.Study design; studyperiod; countryNo. of patients; type of liver diseaseAdrenal failureDefinition of adrenal failure
Kharb et al[10]Cross sectional; 2010-2011; India10; OLTPost LT: 4/10 (40%) RAI: Post LT: 7/10 (70%)SST AI: Basal cortisol levels < 83 nmol/L or a peak cortisol response < 500 nmol/L RAI: Delta cortisol < 250 nmol/L
Marik et al[4]Retrospective; 2002-2004; United States119 post OLT recently and 51 remote OLTRecent LT: 109/119 (92%) Remote LT: 31/51 (61%)LDSST AI: (1) a random (stress) cortisol < 552 nmol/L in patients with hypoxemic respiratory failure, hypotension or requiring vasopressor agents and (2) a random level < 414 nmol/L or a 30-min post-low-dose cosyntropin stimulation test level of < 552 nmol/L in non-highly stressed patients
Patel et al[65]Retrospective; NR; United Kingdom90 patients; ICU post OLT; 45 patients received bolus dose of 1000 ng methylprednisolone intraoperative vs 45 patients not receivingFirst group: significant reduced requirements for fluid administration (P = 0.02), vasopressors (P = 0.01), renal replacement therapy (P = 0.001), invasive ventilation (P = 0.01), and ICU stay (P = 0.02), compared to the second group
Table 4 Characteristics and outcomes of the included studies of patients treated with steroids
Ref.Study design; studyperiod; countryNo. of patients;type of liver diseaseHydrocortisoneOutcome
Etogo-Asse et al[49]Prospective, observational; 2007-2009; United Kingdom51 critical ill cirrhotic patients required vasopressors31 received hydrocortisone of a median dose of 200 mg/dMortality: 13/20 (65%) in those who did not and 20/31 (65%) in those who received corticosteroid
Arabi et al[48]Randomized double blind; 2004-2007; Saudi Arabi75 patients; septic shock and cirrhosis in ICU39 patients received 200 mg hydrocortisone iv/d vs 36 patients receiving normal saline until shock resolutionShock reversal: 24/39 (62%) with hydrocortisone vs 14/36 (39%) with placebo (P = 0.05) Shock relapse after tapering: 13/39 (34%) vs 5/36 (14%) (P = 0.03) 28 d mortality: 33/39 (85%) vs 26/36 (72%), (P = 0.19) Increase in gastrointestinal bleeding (P = 0.02) in hydrocortisone group
du Cheyron et al[6]Prospective; 2003-2005; France31 AOCLD with AI14 treated with stress doses of cortisol vs 17 not treated30 d mortality: 7/14 (50%) of those treated vs 12/17 (70%) not treated (P = 0.29)
Fernández et al[53]Prospective and retrospective; group 1 2004-2006, group 2 2001-2004Group 1: 17 patients; cirrhosis and septic shock and AI Group 2: 50 patients; no assessment of adrenal function17 patients of group 1 treated with 200 mg hydrocortisone/d vs 50 patients not treatedMortality: group 1 32% vs 62% in group 2 in ICU (P = 0.03), 36% vs 68% (P = 0.003) in hospital Septic shock resolved in 96% vs 58% in group 2 (P = 0.001)
Marik et al[4]Retrospective; 2002-2004; United States140 patients vasopressor depended with ALD or CLD and AI300 mg hydrocortisone/dReduction in dose of norepinephrin in the 24 h (P = 0.02) in those with AI treated with hydrocortisone and increase in those with AI not treated (P = 0.04) Mortality: 26% in those treated with steroids and 46% in not treated (P = 0.002)
Harry et al[69]Retrospective; 1999-2001; United Kingdom40 patients with ALD or AOCLD required vasopressors20 patients treated with 300 mg hydrocortisone/d vs 20 patients not treatedIn the group of 20 patients treated, there was reduction in doses of norepinephrin, higher risk of infections and no benefit in survival compared with the 20 patients not treated