Case Report
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Hepatol. Sep 27, 2020; 12(9): 685-692
Published online Sep 27, 2020. doi: 10.4254/wjh.v12.i9.685
Table 1 Laboratory findings at the time of liver biopsy
WBC4450 /μLBUN10 mg/dLIgG1512 mg/dL
RBC544 × 104 /μLCr0.8 mg/dLIgA235 mg/dL
Hb17.0 g/dLUA7.2 mg/dLIgM131 mg/dL
Plt19.9 × 104/μLNa146 mEq/LANA(-)
K4.3 mEq/LHBsAg(-)
TP7.4 g/dLCl109 mEq/LAnti-HCV(-)
Alb4.2 g/dL
T-Bil0.5 mg/dLT-Chol257 mg/dLTSH2.1 μIU/mL
AST74 U/LTG274 mg/dLFT33.2 pg/mL
ALT102 U/LHDL-C76 mg/dLFT41.0 ng/dL
LDH260 U/L
ALP202 U/LFBS87 mg/dLHA27 ng/mL
GGT121 U/LHbA1c5.0 %4C7S4.2 ng/mL
ChE390 IU/LInsulin30 μU/mL
HOMA-IR6.4Fe91 μg/dL
Ferritin77 ng/mL
Cu89 μg/dL
Ceruloplasmin26 mg/dL
Table 2 Summary of previously reported liver pathology in 7 myotonic dystrophy type 1 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
ItemCase 1Case 2Case 3Case 4Case 5Case 6Case 7
Steatosis (0-3)3112132
Lobular inflammation (0-3)0001131
Ballooning (0-2)110ND121
NAFLD activity score (0-8)421ND384
Fibrosis (0-4)21a1a11a41a
Ref.Shieh et al[11]Shieh et al[11]Shieh et al[11]Bhardwaj et al[12]Yamada et al[13]Ariake et al[14]Our case