Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 28, 2021; 27(16): 1664-1690
Published online Apr 28, 2021. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v27.i16.1664
Table 1 Summary of key studies on artificial intelligence-assisted endoscopy in gastroenterology fields
Ref.CountryDisease studiedDesign of studyApplicationNumber of casesType of machine learning algorithmOutcomes (%)
Takiyama et al[19], 2018JapanAnatomical location of upper gastrointestinal tractRetrospectiveRecognition of the anatomical location of upper gastrointestinal tractTraining: 27335 images: 663 larynx, 3252 esophagus, 5479 upper stomach, 7184 middle stomach, 7539 lower stomach, and 3218 duodenum; Testing: 17081 images: 363 larynx, 2142 esophagus, 3532 upper stomach, 6379 middle stomach, 3137 lower stomach, and 1528 duodenumCNNsLarynx: 100; Esopha us: 100; Stomach: 99; Duodenum: 99Larynx: 93.9/100; Esophagus: 95.8/99.7; Stomach: 98.9/93; Duodenum: 87/99.2
Wu et al[20], 2019ChinaDiseases of upper gastrointestinal tractProspectiveMonitor blind spots of upper gastrointestinal tractTraining: 1.28 million images from 1000 object classes; Testing: 3000 images for DCNN1, and 2160 images for DCNN2CNNs90.487.57/95.02
van der Sommen et al[21], 2016NetherlandsEN-BERetrospectiveDetection of EN in BE21 patients with EN-BE (60 images), 23 patients without EN-BE (40 images)SVMNA86/87
Swager et al[22], 2017NetherlandsEN-BERetrospectiveDetection of EN in BE60 images: 40 with EN-BE and 30 without EN-BESVM9590/93
Hashimoto et al[23], 2020United States EN-BERetrospectiveDetection of EN in BETraining: 916 images with EN-BE; Testing: 458 images: 225 dysplasia and 233 non-dysplasiaCNNs95.496.4/94.2
Ebigbo et al[24], 2020GermanyEAC-BERetrospectiveDetection of EAC in BETraining: 129 images; Testing: 62 images: 36 EAC and 26 normal BECNNs89.983.7/100
Horie et al[25], 2019JapanEAC and ESCCRetrospectiveDetection of EAC and ESCCTraining: 384 patients with 32 EAC and 397 ESCC (8428 images); Testing: 47 patients with 8 EAC and 41 ESCC (1118 images)CNNs9898/79
Kumagai et al[26], 2019JapanESCCRetrospectiveDetection of ESCCTraining: 240 patients (4715 images: 1141 ESCC and 3574 benign lesions); Testing: 55 patients (1520 images: 467 ESCC and 1053 benign)CNNs90.992.6/89.3
Zhao et al[27], 2019ChinaESCC RetrospectiveDetection of ESCC165 patients with ESCC and 54 patients without ESCC (1383 images)CNNs89.287.0/84.1
Cai et al[28], 2019ChinaESCCRetrospectiveDetection of ESCCTraining: 746 patients (2438 images: 1332 abnormal and 1096 normal); Testing: 52 patients (187 images)CNNs91.497.8/85.4
Nakagawa et al[29], 2019JapanESCCRetrospectiveDetermination of invasion depthTraining: 804 patients with ESCC (14338 images: 8660 non-ME and 5678 ME); Testing: 155 patients with ESCC (914 images: 405 non-ME and 509 ME)CNNsSM1/SM2, 3: 91.0; Invasion depth: 89.6SM1/SM2, 3: 90.1/95.8; Invasion depth: 89.8/88.3
Tokai et al[30], 2020JapanESCCRetrospectiveDetermination of invasion depth Training: 1751 images with ESCC; Testing: 42 patients with ESCC (293 images)CNNs80.984.1/80.9
Ali et al[31], 2018PakistanEGCRetrospectiveDetection of EGC56 patients with EGC, 120 patients without EGCSVM8791.0/82.0
Sakai et al[32], 2018JapanEGCRetrospectiveDetection of EGCTraining: 58 patients (348943 images: 172555 EGC and 176388 normal); Testing: 58 patients (9650 images: 4653 EGC and 4997 normal)CNNs87.680.0/94.8
Kanesaka et al[33], 2018JapanEGCRetrospectiveDetection of EGCTraining: 126 images: 66 EGC and 60 normal; Testing: 81 images: 61 EGC and 20 normalSVM96.396.7/95.0
Wu et al[34], 2019ChinaEGCRetrospectiveDetection of EGCTraining: 9691 images: 3710 EGC and 5981 normal; Testing: 100 patients: 50 EGC and 50 normalCNNs92.594.0/91.0
Horiuchi et al[35], 2020JapanEGCRetrospectiveDetection of EGCTraining: 2570 images: 1492 EGC and 1078 gastritis; Testing: 285 images: 151 EGC and 107 gastritisCNNs85.395.4/71.0
Zhu et al[36], 2019ChinaInvasive GCRetrospectiveDetermination of invasion depthTraining: 245 patients with GC and 545 patients without GC (5056 images); Testing: 203 images: 68 GC and 135 normalCNNs89.276.5/95.6
Luo et al[37], 2019ChinaEAC, ESCC, and GCProspectiveDetection of upper gastrointestinal cancersTraining: 15040 individuals (125898 images: 31633 cancer and 94265 control); Testing: 1886 individuals (15637 images: 3931 cancer and 11706 control)CNNs91.5-97.794.2/85.8
Nagao et al[38], 2020JapanGCRetrospectiveDetermination of invasion depth1084 patients with GC (16557 images); Training: Testing = 4:1CNNs94.584.4/99.4
Wireless capsule endoscopy
Ayaru et al[39], 2015United KingdomSmall bowel bleedingRetrospectivePrediction of outcomesTraining: 170 patients with small bowel bleeding; Testing: 130 patients with small bowel bleedingANNsRecurrent bleeding 88; Therapeutic intervention: 88; Severe bleeding: 78Recurrent bleeding: 67/91; Therapeutic intervention: 80/89; Severe bleeding: 73/80
Xiao et al[40], 2016ChinaSmall bowel bleedingRetrospectiveDetection of bleeding in GI tractTraining: 8200 images: 2050 bleeding and 6150 non-bleeding; Testing: 1800 images: 800 bleeding and 1000 non-bleedingCNNs99.699.2/99.9
Usman et al[41], 2016South KoreaSmall bowel bleedingRetrospectiveDetection of bleeding in GI tractTraining: 75000 pixels: 25000 bleeding and 50000 non-bleeding; Testing: 8000 pixels: 3000 bleeding and 5000 non-bleedingSVM91.893.7/90.7
Sengupta et al[42], 2017United States Small bowel bleedingRetrospectivePrediction of 30-d mortalityTraining: 4044 patients with small bowel bleeding; Testing: 2060 patients with small bowel bleedingANNs8187.8/90/9
Leenhardt et al[43], 2019FranceSmall bowel bleedingRetrospectiveDetection of GIATraining: 600 images: 300 hemorrhagic GIA and 300 non-hemorrhagic GIA; Testing: 600 images: 300 hemorrhagic GIA and 300 non-hemorrhagic GIACNNs98100.0/96.0
Aoki et al[44], 2020JapanSmall bowel bleedingRetrospectiveDetection of small bowel bleedingTraining: 41 patients (27847 images: 6503 bleeding and 21344 normal); Testing: 25 patients (10208 images: 208 bleeding and 10000 non-bleeding)CNNs99.8996.63/99.96
Yang et al[45], 2020ChinaSmall bowel polypsRetrospectiveDetection of small bowel polyps1000 images: 500 polyps and 500 non-polypsSVM96.0095.80/96.20
Vieira et al[46], 2020PortugalSmall bowel tumorsRetrospectiveDetection of small bowel tumors39 patients (3936 images: 936 tumors and 3000 normal)SVM97.696.1/98.3
Fernández-Esparrach et al[47], 2016SpainColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDetection of polyps24 videos containing 31 different polypsEnergy maps7970.4/72.4
Komeda et al[48], 2017JapanColorectal polyps RetrospectiveDetection of polypsTraining: 1800 images: 1200 adenoma and 600 non-adenoma; Testing: 10 casesCNNs70.083.3/50.0
Misawa et al[49], 2017JapanColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDetection of polypsTraining: 1661 images: 1213 neoplasm and 448 non-neoplasm; Testing: 173 images: 124 neoplasm and 49 non-neoplasmSVM87.894.3/71.4
Misawa et al[50], 2018JapanColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDetection of polyps196631 frames: 63135 polyps and 133496 non-polypsCNNs76.590.0/63.3
Chen et al[51], 2018ChinaColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDetection of diminutive colorectal polypsTraining: 2157 images: 681 hyperplastic and 1476 adenomas; Testing: 284 images: 96 hyperplastic and 188 adenomasDNNs90.196.3/78.1
Urban et al[52], 2018United StatesColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDetection of polypsTraining: 8561 images: 4008 polyps and 4553 non-polyps; Testing: 1330 images: 672 polyps and 658 non-polypsCNNs96.496.9/95.0
Renner et al[53], 2018GermanyColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDifferentiation of neoplastic from non-neoplastic polypsTraining: 788 images: 602 adenomas and 186 non-adenomatous polyps; Testing: 186 images: 52 adenomas and 48 hyperplastic lesionsDNNs78.092.3/62.5
Wang et al[54], 2018United StatesColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDetection of polypsTraining: 5545 images: 3634 polyps and 1911 non-polyps; Testing: 27113 images: 5541 polyps and 21572 non-polypsCNNs9894.4/95.9
Mori et al[55], 2018JapanColorectal polypsProspectiveA diagnose-and-leave strategy for diminutive, non-neoplastic rectosigmoid polypsTraining: 61925 images; Testing: 466 cases (287 neoplastic polyps, 175 nonneoplastic polyps, and 4 missing specimens)SVM96.593.8/91.0
Byrne et al[56], 2019CanadaColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDetection and classification of polypsTraining: 60089 frames of 223 videos (29% NICE type 1, 53% NICE type 2 and 18% of normal mucosa with no polyp); Testing: 125 videos: 51 hyperplastic polyps and 74 adenomaCNNs94.098.0/83.0
Blanes-Vidal et al[57], 2019DenmarkColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDetection of polyps131 patients with polyps and 124 patients without polypsCNNs96.497.1/93.3
Lee et al[58], 2020South KoreaColorectal polypsRetrospectiveDetection of polypsTraining: 306 patients (8593 images: 8495 polyp and 98 normal); Testing: 15 patients (15 polyps videos)CNNs93.489.9/93.7
Gohari et al[59], 2011IranCRCRetrospectiveDetermination of prognostic factors of CRC1219 patients with CRCANNsColon cancer: 89; Rectum cancer: 82.7NA/NA
Biglarian et al[60], 2012IranCRCRetrospectivePrediction of distant metastasis in CRC1219 patients with CRCANNs82NA/NA
Takeda et al[61], 2017JapanCRCRetrospectiveDiagnosis of invasive CRCTraining: 5543 images: 2506 non-neoplasms, 2667 adenomas, and 370 invasive cancers; Testing: 200 images: 100 adenomas and 100 invasive cancersSVM94.189.4/98.9
Ito et al[62], 2019JapanCRCRetrospectiveDiagnosis of cT1b CRCTraining: 9942 images: 5124 cTis + cT1a, 4818 cT1b, and 2604 cTis + cT1a; Testing: 5022 images: 2604 cTis + cT1a, and 2418 cT1bCNNs81.267.5/89.0
Zhou et al[63], 2020ChinaCRCRetrospectiveDiagnosis of CRCTraining: 3176 patients with CRC and 9003 patients without CRC (464105 images: 28071 CRC and 436034 non-CRC); Testing: 307 patients with CRC and 1956 patients without CRC (84615 images: 11675 CRC and 72940 non-CRC)CNNs96.391.4/98.0
Table 2 Summary of key studies on artificial intelligence-assisted radiology in hepatology fields
Ref.CountryDisease studiedDesign of studyApplicationNumber of casesType of machine learning algorithmOutcomes (%)
Ultrasound-based medical image recognition
Gatos et al[72], 2016United StatesHepatic fibrosisRetrospectiveClassification of CLD85 images: 54 healthy and 31 CLDSVM8783.3/89.1
Gatos et al[73], 2017United StatesHepatic fibrosisRetrospectiveClassification of CLD124 images: 54 healthy and 70 CLDSVM87.393.5/81.2
Chen et al[74], 2017ChinaHepatic fibrosisRetrospectiveClassification of the stages of hepatic fibrosis in HBV patients513 HBV patients with different hepatic fibrosis (119 S0, 164 S1, 88 S2, 72 S3, and 70 S4)SVM, Naive Bayes, RF, KNN82.8792.97/82.50
Li et al[75], 2019ChinaHepatic fibrosisProspectiveClassification of the stages of hepatic fibrosis in HBV patients144 HBV patientsAdaptive boosting, decision tree, RF, SVM8593.8/76.9
Gatos et al[76], 2019United StatesHepatic fibrosisRetrospectiveClassification of CLD88 healthy individuals (88 F0 fibrosis stage images) and 112 CLD patients (112 images: 46 F1, 16 F2, 22 F3, and 28 F4)CNNs82.5NA/NA
Wang et al[77], 2019ChinaHepatic fibrosisProspectiveClassification of the stages of hepatic fibrosis in HBV patientsTraining: 266 HBV patients (1330 images); Testing: 132 HBV patients (660 images)CNNsF4: 100; ≥ F3: 99; ≥ F2: 99F4: 100.0/100.0; ≥ F3: 97.4/95.7; ≥ F2: 100.0/97.7
Kuppili et al[78], 2017United StatesMAFLDRetrospectiveDetection and characterization of FLD63 patients: 27 healthy and 36 MAFLDELM, SVMELM: 96.75; SVM: 89.01NA/NA
Byra et al[79], 2018PolandMAFLDRetrospectiveDiagnosis of the amount of fat in the liver55 severely obese patientsCNNs, SVM96.3100/88.2
Biswas et al[80], 2018United StatesMAFLDRetrospectiveDetection and risk stratification of FLD63 patients: 27 healthy and 36 MAFLDCNNs, SVM, ELMCNNs: 100; SVM: 82; ELM: 92NA/NA
Cao et al[81], 2020ChinaMAFLDRetrospectiveDetection and classification of MAFLD240 patients: 106 healthy, 57 mild MAFLD, 67 moderate MAFLD, and 10 severe MAFLDCNNs95.8NA/NA
Guo et al[82], 2018ChinaLiver tumorsRetrospectiveDiagnosis of liver tumors93 patients with liver tumors: 47 malignant lesions (22 HCC, 5 CC, and 10 RCLM), and 46 benign lesionsDNNs90.4193.56/86.89
Schmauch et al[83], 2019FranceFLLRetrospectiveDetection and characterization of FLLTraining: 367 patients (367 images); Testing: 177 patientsCNNsDetection: 93.5; Characterization: 91.6NA/NA
Yang et al[84], 2020ChinaFLLRetrospectiveDetection of FLLTraining: 1815 patients with FLL (18000 images); Testing: 328 patients with FLL (3718 images)CNNs84.786.5/85.5
CT/MRI-based medical image recognition
Choi et al[85], 2018South KoreaHepatic fibrosisRetrospectiveStaging liver fibrosis by using CT imagesTraining: 7461 patients: 3357 F0, 113 F1, 284 F2, 460 F3, 3247 F4; Testing: 891 patients: 118 F0, 109 F1, 161 F2, 173 F3, 330 F4CNNs92.1–95.0 84.6–95.5/89.9–96.6
He et al[86], 2019United StatesHepatic fibrosisRetrospectiveStaging liver fibrosis by using MRI imagesTraining: 225 CLD patients; Testing: 84 patientsSVM81.872.2/87.0
Ahmed et al[87], 2020EgyptHepatic fibrosisRetrospectiveDetection and staging of liver fibrosis by using MRI images37 patients: 15 healthy and 22 CLDSVM83.781.8/86.6
Hectors et al[88], 2020United StatesLiver fibrosisRetrospectiveStaging liver fibrosis by using MRI imagesTraining: 178 patients with liver fibrosis; Testing: 54 patients with liver fibrosisCNNsF1-F4: 85; F2-F4: 89; F3-F4: 91; F4: 83F1-F4: 84/90; F2-F4: 87/93; F3-F4: 97/83; F4: 68/94
Vivanti et al[89], 2017IsraelLiver tumorsRetrospectiveDetection and segmentation of new tumors in follow-up by using CT images246 liver tumors (97 new tumors)CNNs8670/NA
Yasaka et al[90], 2018JapanLiver massesRetrospectiveDetection and differentiation of liver masses by using CT imagesTraining: 460 patients with liver masses (1068 images: 240 Category A, 121 Category B, 320 Category C, 207 Category D, 180 Category E); Testing: 100 images with liver masses: 21 Category A, 9 Category B, 35 Category C, 20 Category D, 15 Category ECNNs84Category A: 71/NA; Category B: 33/NA; Category C: 94/NA; Category D: 90/NA; Category E: 100/NA
Ibragimov et al[91], 2018United StatesLiver diseases requiring SBRTRetrospectivePrediction of hepatotoxicity after liver SBRT by using CT images125 patients undergone liver SBRT: 58 liver metastases, 36 HCC, 27 cholangiocarcinoma, and 4 other histopathologiesCNNs85NA/NA
Abajian et al[92], 2018United StatesHCCRetrospectivePrediction of HCC response to TACE by using MRI images36 HCC patients treated with TACERF7862.5/82.1
Zhang et al[93], 2018United StatesHCCRetrospectiveClassification of HCC by using MRI images20 patients with HCCCNNs80NA/NA
Morshid et al[94], 2019United StatesHCCRetrospectivePrediction of HCC response to TACE by using CT images105 HCC patients received first-line treatment with TACECNNs74.2NA/NA
Nayak et al[95], 2019IndiaCirrhosis; HCCRetrospectiveDetection of cirrhosis and HCC by using CT images40 patients: 14 healthy, 12 cirrhosis, 14 cirrhosis with HCCSVM86.9100/95
Hamm et al[96], 2019United StatesCommon hepatic lesionsRetrospectiveClassification of common hepatic lesions by using MRI imagesTraining: 434 patients with common hepatic lesions; Testing: 60 patients with common hepatic lesionsCNNs9292/98
Wang et al[97], 2019United StatesCommon hepatic lesionsRetrospectiveDemonstration of a proof-of-concept interpretable DL system by using MRI images60 common hepatic lesions patientsCNNsNA82.9/NA
Jansen et al[98], 2019NetherlandsFLLRetrospectiveClassification of FLL by using MRI images95 patients with FLL (125 benign lesions: 40 adenomas, 29 cysts, and 56 hemangiomas; and 88 malignant lesions: 30 HCC and 58 metastases)RF77Adenoma: 80/78; Cyst: 93/93; Hemangioma: 84/82; HCC: 73/56; Metastasis: 62/77
Mokrane et al[99], 2020FranceHCCRetrospectiveDiagnosis of HCC in patients with cirrhosis by using CT imagesTraining: 106 patients: 85 HCC and 21 non-HCC; Testing: 36 patients: 23 HCC and 13 non-HCCSVM, KNN, RF7070/54
Shi et al[100], 2020ChinaHCCRetrospectiveDetection of HCC from FLL by using CT imagesTraining: 359 lesions: 155 HCC and 204 non-HCC; Testing: 90 lesions: 39 HCC and 51 non-HCCCNNs85.674.4/94.1
Alirr et al[101], 2020KuwaitLiver tumorsRetrospectiveSegmentation of liver tumorsTraining: 100 images with liver tumors;Testing: 31 images with liver tumorsCNNs95.2NA/NA
Zheng et al[102], 2020ChinaPancreatic cancerRetrospectivePancreas segmentation by using MRI images20 patients with PDACCNNs99.86NA/NA
Liang et al[103], 2014ChinaHCCRetrospectivePrediction of recurrence for HCC patients who received RFA83 patients with HCC receiving RFA as first treatment (18 recurrence and 65 non-recurrence)SVM8267/86
Zhou et al[104], 2017ChinaHCCRetrospectiveCharacterization of HCC46 patients with HCC: 21 low-grade (Edmondson grades I and II) and 25 high-grade (Edmondson grades III and IV)Free-form curve-fitting86.9576.00/100.00
Abajian et al[105], 2018United StatesHCCRetrospectivePrediction of response to intra-arterial treatment36 patients undergone trans-arterial treatmentRF7862.5/82.1
Ibragimov et al[91], 2018United StatesLiver tumorsRetrospectivePrediction of hepatobiliary toxicity of SBRT125 patients undergone liver SBRT: 58 metapatients, 36 HCC, 27 cholangiocarcinoma, and 4 other primary liver tumor histopathologiesCNNs85NA/NA
Morshid et al[94], 2019United StatesHCCRetrospectivePrediction of HCC response to TACE105 patients with HCC: 11 BCLC stage A, 24 BCLC stage B, 67 BCLC stage C, and 3 BCLC stage DCNNs74.2NA/NA
Ma et al[106], 2019ChinaHCCRetrospectivePrediction of MVI in HCCTraining: 110 patients with HCC: 37 with MVI and 73 without MVI; Testing: 47 patients with HCC: 18 with MVI and 29 without MVISVM76.665.6/94.4
Dong et al[107], 2020ChinaHCCRetrospectivePrediction and differentiation of MVI in HCC Prediction: 322 patients with HCC: 144 with MVI and 178 without MVI; Differentiation: 144 patients with HCC and MVIRF, mRMRPrediction: 63.4; Differentiation: 73.0 Prediction: 89.2/48.4; Differentiation: 33.3/80.0
He et al[108], 2020ChinaHCCProspectivePrediction of MVI in HCCTraining: 101 patients with HCC; Testing: 18 patients with HCCLASSO84.4NA/NA
Schoenberg et al[109], 2020GermanyHCCProspectivePrediction of disease-free survival after HCC resectionTraining: 127 patients with HCC; Testing: 53 patients with HCCRF78.8NA/NA
Zhao et al[110], 2020ChinaHCCRetrospectivePrediction of ER of HCC after partial hepatectomyTraining: 78 patients with HCC: 40 with ER and 38 without ER; Testing: 35 patients with HCC: 18 with ER and 17 without ERLASSO80.880.0/81.6
Liu et al[111], 2020ChinaHCCRetrospectivePrediction of progression-free survival of HCC patients after RFA and SRRFA: Training: 149 HCC patients undergone RFA Testing: 65 HCC patients undergone RFA; SR: Training: 144 HCC patients undergone SR Testing: 61 HCC patients undergone SRCox-CNNsRFA: 82.0; SR: 86.3NA/NA
Chen et al[112], 2021ChinaHCCRetrospectivePrediction of HCC response to first TACE by using CT imagesTraining: 355 patients with HCC; Testing: 118 patients with HCCLASSO8185.2/77.2
Table 3 Summary of key studies on artificial intelligence-assisted pathology in the gastroenterology and hepatology fields
Ref.CountryDisease studiedDesign of studyApplicationNumber of casesType of machine learning algorithmOutcomes (%)
Basic AI-based pathology: diagnosis
Tomita et al[118], 2019United StatesBE and EACRetrospectiveDetection and classification of cancerous and precancerous esophagus tissueTraining: 379 images with 4 classes: normal, BE-no-dysplasia, BE-with-dysplasia, and adenocarcinoma; Testing: 123 images with 4 classes: normal, BE-no-dysplasia, BE-with-dysplasia, and adenocarcinomaCNNsMean: 83; BE-no-dysplasia: 85; BE-with-dysplasia: 89; Adenocarcinoma: 88Normal: 69/71 BE-no-dysplasia: 77/88; BE-with-dysplasia: 21/97; Adenocarcinoma: 71/91
Sharma et al[119], 2017GermanyGCRetrospectiveClassification and necrosis detection of GC454 patients (6810 WSIs: 4994 for cancer classification and 1816 for necrosis detection) (HER2 immunohistochemical stain and HE stained)CNNsCancer classification: 69.90; Necrosis detection: 81.44NA/NA
Li et al[120], 2018ChinaGCRetrospectiveDetection of GC700 images: 560 GC and 140 normal (HE stained)CNNs100NA/NA
Leon et al[121], 2019ColombiaGCRetrospectiveDetection of GC40 images: 20 benign and 20 malignantCNNs89.72NA/NA
Sun et al[122], 2019ChinaGCRetrospectiveDiagnosis of GC500 WSIs of gastric areas with typical cancerous regionsDNNs91.6NA/NA
Ma et al[123], 2020ChinaGCRetrospectiveClassification of lesions in the gastric mucosaTraining: 534 WSIs (1616713 images: 544925 normal, 544624 chronic gastritis, and 527164 cancer) (HE stained) Testing: 153 WSIs (399240 images: 135446 normal, 125783 chronic gastritis, and 138011 cancer) (HE stained)CNNs, RFBenign and cancer: 98.4; Normal, chronic gastritis, and GC: 94.5Benign and cancer: 98.0/98.9; Normal, chronic gastritis, and GC: NA/NA
Yoshida et al[124], 2018JapanGastric lesionsRetrospectiveClassification of gastric biopsy specimens3062 gastric biopsy specimens (HE stained)CNNs55.689.5/50.7
Qu et al[125], 2018JapanGastric lesionsRetrospectiveClassification of gastric pathology imagesTraining: 1080 patches: 540 benign and 540 malignant; Testing: 5400 patches: 2700 benign and 2700 malignantCNNs96.5NA/NA
Iizuka et al[126], 2020JapanGastric and colonic epithelial tumorsRetrospectiveClassification of gastric and colonic epithelial tumors4128 cases of human gastric epithelial lesions and 4036 of colonic epithelial lesions (HE stained)CNNs, RNNsGastric adenocarcinoma: 97; Gastric adenoma: 99; Colonic adenocarcinoma: 96; Colonic adenoma: 99NA/NA
Korbar et al[127], 2017United StatesColorectal polypsRetrospectiveClassification of different types of colorectal polyps on WSIsTraining: 458 WSIs; Testing: 239 WSIsA modified version of a residual network9388.3/NA
Wei et al[128], 2020United StatesColorectal polypsRetrospectiveClassification of colorectal polyps on WSIsTraining: 326 slides with colorectal polyps: 37 tubular, 30 tubulovillous or villous, 111 hyperplastic, 140 sessile serrated, and 8 normal; Testing: 238 slides with colorectal polyps: 95 tubular, 78 tubulovillous or villous, 41 hyperplastic, and 24 sessile serratedCNNsTubular: 84.5; Tubulovillous or villous: 89.5; Hyperplastic: 85.3; Sessile serrated: 88.7Tubular: 73.7/91.6; Tubulovillous or villous: 97.6/87.8; Hyperplastic: 60.3/97.5; Sessile serrated: 79.2/89.7
Shapcott et al[129], 2018UnitedKingdomCRCRetrospectiveDiagnosis of CRC853 hand-marked imagesCNNs84NA/NA
Geessink et al[130], 2019NetherlandsCRCRetrospectiveQuantification of intratumoral stroma in CRC129 patients with CRCCNNs94.691.1/99.4
Song et al[131], 2020ChinaCRCRetrospectiveDiagnosis of CRCTraining: 177 slides: 156 adenoma and 21 non-neoplasm; Testing: 362 slides: 167 adenoma and 195 non-neoplasmCNNs90.489.3/79.0
Wang et al[132], 2015ChinaHepatic fibrosisRetrospectiveAssessment of HBV-related liver fibrosis and detection of liver cirrhosisTraining: 105 HBV patients; Testing: 70 HBV patientsSVM82NA/NA
Forlano et al[133], 2020UnitedKingdomMAFLDRetrospectiveDetection and quantification of histological features of MAFLDTraining: 100 MAFLD patients; Testing: 146 MAFLD patientsK-meansSteatosis: 97; Inflammation: 96; Ballooning: 94; Fibrosis: 92NA/NA
Li et al[134], 2017ChinaHCCRetrospectiveNuclei grading of HCC4017 HCC nuclei patchesCNNs96.7G1: 94.3/97.5; G2: 96.0/97.0;G3: 97.1/96.6; G4: 99.5/95.8
Kiani et al[135], 2020United StatesLiver cancer (HCC and CC)RetrospectiveHistopathologic classification of liver cancerTraining: 70 WSIs: 35 HCC and 35 CC Testing: 80 WSIs: 40 HCC and 40 CCSVM84.272/95
Advanced AI-based pathology: prediction of gene mutations and prognosis
Steinbuss et al[136], 2020GermanyGastritisRetrospectiveIdentification of gastritis subtypesTraining: 92 patients (825 images: 398 low inflammation, 305 severe inflammation, and 122 A gastritis) (HE stained) Testing: 22 patients (209 images: 122 low inflammation, 38 severe inflammation, and 49 A gastritis) (HE stained)CNNs84A gastritis: 88/89; B gastritis: 100/93; C gastritis: 83/100
Liu et al[137], 2020ChinaGastrointestinal neuroendocrine tumorRetrospectivePrediction of Ki-67 positive cells12 patients (18762 images: 5900 positive cells, 6086 positive cells, and 6776 background from ROIs) (HE and IHC stained)CNNs97.897.8/NA
Kather et al[138], 2019GermanyGC and CRCRetrospectivePrediction of MSI in GC and CRCTraining: 360 patients (93408 tiles); Testing: 378 patients (896530 tiles)CNNs84NA/NA
Bychkov et al[139], 2018 FinlandCRCRetrospectivePrediction of CRC outcome420 CRC tumor tissue microarray samplesCNNs, RNNs69NA/NA
Kather et al[140], 2019GermanyCRCRetrospectivePrediction of survival from CRC histology slidesTraining: 86 CRC tissue slides (> 100000 HE image patches); Testing: 25 CRC patients (7180 images)CNNs98.7NA/NA
Echle et al[141], 2020GermanyCRCRetrospectiveDetection of dMMR or MSI in CRCTraining: 5500 patients; Testing: 906 patientsA modified shufflenet DL system9298/52
Skrede et al[142], 20203R23 Song 2020CRCRetrospectivePrediction of CRC outcome after resectionTraining: 828 patients (> 12000000 image tiles); Testing: 920 patientsCNNs7652/78
Sirinukunwattana et al[143], 2020UnitedKingdomCRCRetrospectiveIdentification of consensus molecular subtypes of CRCTraining: 278 patients with CRC; Testing: 574 patients with CRC: 144 biopsies and 430 TCGANeural networks with domain-adversarial learningBiopsies: 85; TCGA: 84NA/NA
Jang et al[144], 2020South KoreaCRCRetrospectivePrediction of gene mutations in CRCTraining: 629 WSIs with CRC (HE stained) Testing: 142 WSIs with CRC (HE stained)CNNs64.8-88.0NA/NA
Chaudhary et al[145], 2018United StatesHCCRetrospectiveIdentification of survival subgroups of HCCTraining: 360 HCC patients’ data using RNA-seq, miRNA-seq and methylation data from TCGA; Testing: 684 HCC patients’ data (LIRI-JP cohort: 230; NCI cohort: 221; Chinese cohort: 166, E-TABM-36 cohort: 40, and Hawaiian cohort: 27)DLLIRI-JP cohort: 75; NCI cohort: 67; Chinese cohort: 69; E-TABM-36 cohort: 77; Hawaiian cohort: 82NA/NA
Saillard et al[146], 2020FranceHCCRetrospectivePrediction of the survival of HCC patients treated by surgical resectionTraining: 206 HCC (390 WSIs); Testing: 328 HCC (342 WSIs)CNNs (SCHMOWDER and CHOWDER)SCHMOWDER: 78; CHOWDER: 75NA/NA
Chen et al[11], 2020ChinaHCCRetrospectiveClassification and gene mutation prediction of HCCTraining: 472 WSIs: 383 HCC and 89 normal liver tissue; Testing: 101 WSIs: 67 HCC and 34 normal liver tissue CNNsClassification: 96.0; Tumor differentiation: 89.6; Gene mutation: 71-89NA/NA
Fu et al[147], 2020UnitedKingdomEAC, GC, CRC, and liver cancersRetrospectivePrediction of mutations, tumor composition and prognosis17335 HE-stained images of 28 cancer typesCNNsVariable across tumors/gene alterationsNA/NA