Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 14, 2020; 26(26): 3834-3850
Published online Jul 14, 2020. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v26.i26.3834
Table 1 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of patients who underwent Helicobacter pylori eradication
ParametersPatients (n = 85)
Age, mean (SD), yr56.1 (12.3)
Gender, n (%)
Female53 (62.4)
BMI, mean (SD), kg/m225.1 (2.2)
Alcohol users (12-24 g/dL /die), n (%)27 (31.8)
Previous smokers, n (%)12 (14.1)
Drug users, n (%)23 (27.1)
Family history of gastric cancer, n (%)4 (4.7)
Family history of other cancer, n (%)9 (10.6)
Autoimmune comorbidity
Autoimmune atrophic gastritis12 (14.1)
Autoimmune thyroiditis6 (7.1)
Type-1/2 diabetes mellitus3 (3.5)
Skin psoriasis1 (1.2)
Rheumatoid arthritis1 (1.2)
Sjögren syndrome1 (1.2)
A. thyroiditis + vitiligo1 (1.2)
A. thyroiditis + Crohn’s disease1 (1.2)
A. thyroiditis + Sjögren syndrome1 (1.2)
APCA and/or AIF antibody positivity12 (14.1)
Endoscopy indication, n (%)
Gastroesophageal reflux17 (20)
Recurrent abdominal pain12 (14.1)
Dyspepsia41 (48.2)
Unexplained anemia15 (17.7)
H. pylori eradication scheme, n (%)
Quadruple153 (62.4)
Modified triple228 (32.9)
Triple33 (3.6)
Sequential41 (1.2)
H. pylori eradication cycles, n (%)
One-cycle71 (83.5)
Two-cycles14 (16.5)
Table 2 Endoscopic and histological characteristics of patients before and after Helicobacter pylori eradication
ParametersBefore H. pylori eradication (n = 85)After H. pylori eradication (n = 85)P value
Endoscopic atrophy1, n (%)
Absent5 (5.9)4 (4.7)1.0
Antrum19 (22.4)19 (22.4)1.0
Antrum-predominant18 (21.2)12 (14.1)0.23
Corpus-predominant21 (24.7)23 (27.1)0.73
Pan-atrophy22 (25.9)27 (31.8)0.40
OLGA-scale, n (%)
Stage 04 (4.7)4 (4.7)1.0
Stage 122 (25.9)28 (32.9)0.31
Stage 234 (40)23 (27.1)0.07
Stage 320 (23.5)25 (29.4)0.38
Stage 45 (5.9)5 (5.9)1.0
EGGIM-scale, n (%)
0-247 (55.3)45 (52.9)0.76
3-421 (24.7)10 (11.8)0.03a
5-612 (14.1)21 (24.7)0.08
7-84 (4.7)4 (4.7)1.0
9-101 (1.2)5 (5.9)0.21
OLGIM-scale, n (%)
Stage 040 (47.1)29 (34.1)0.08
Stage 114 (16.5)17 (20)0.55
Stage 214 (16.5)14 (16.5)1.0
Stage 313 (15.3)18 (21.2)0.32
Stage 44 (4.7)7 (8.2)0.53
Gastritis at histology2, n (%)
Quiescent081 (95.3)< 0.0001b
Mild19 (22.4)4 (4.7)0.001b
Moderate46 (54.1)0< 0.0001b
Severe20 (23.5)0< 0.0001b
MALT-hyperplasia, n (%)
Absent46 (54.1)82 (96.5)< 0.0001b
Mild25 (29.4)3 (3.5)< 0.0001b
Moderate11 (12.9)00.007b
Severe3 (3.5)00.24
Histological LGD3, n (%)
Absent70 (82.4)57 (67.1)0.02a
On random biopsies15 (17.6)9 (10.6)0.19
On random + on lesions biopsies06 (7)0.03b
Only on visible lesions013 (15.3)0.0001b
Table 3 Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with low-grade dysplasia detected on visible gastric lesions or randomly and without low-grade dysplasia, before and after Helicobacter pylori eradication
ParametersWith LGD (n = 28)Without LGD (n = 57)P value
Age, mean (SD), yr60.9 (8.2)53.7 (13.4)0.01a
Gender, n (%)
Female15 (53.6)38 (66.7)0.24
BMI, mean (SD), kg/m225 (2.4)25 (2.3)1.0
Alcohol users (12-24 g/dL/die), n (%)15 (53.6)12 (21.1)0.002b
Previous smokers, n (%)10 (35.7)2 (3.5)< 0.0001c
Family history of gastric cancer, n (%)4 (14.3)00.001c
Family history of other cancer, n (%)6 (21.4)3 (5.3)0.001c
Autoimmune comorbidity
Autoimmune atrophic gastritis8 (28.6)4 (7)0.02c
Autoimmune thyroiditis3 (10.7)3 (5.3)0.39
A. thyroiditis + vitiligo1 (3.6)00.33
A. thyroiditis + Crohn’s disease1 (3.6)00.33
A. thyroiditis + Sjögren syndrome01 (1.7)1.0
Sjögren syndrome01 (1.7)1.0
Type-1/2 diabetes mellitus1 (3.6)2 (3.5)1.0
Skin psoriasis1 (3.6)00.33
Rheumatoid arthritis01 (1.7)1.0
APCA and/or AIF antibody positivity8 (28.6)4 (7)0.02c
H. pylori eradication scheme, n (%)
Quadruple117 (60.7)36 (63.2)0.82
Modified triple29 (32.1)19 (33.3)0.91
Triple31 (3.6)2 (3.5)1.0
Sequential41 (3.6)00.33
H. pylori eradication cycles, n (%)
One cycle22 (78.6)46 (86)0.82
Two cycles6 (21.4)8 (14)0.82
OLGA scale before5
Stage 004 (7)0.3
Stage 1-28 (28.6)48 (84.2)< 0.0001b
Stage 3-420 (71.4)5 (8.8)< 0.0001c
OLGA scale after6
Stage 004 (7)0.3
Stage 1-27 (25)44 (77.2)< 0.0001b
Stage 3-421 (75)9 (15.8)< 0.0001b
OLGIM scale before
Stage 0040 (70.1)< 0.0001c
Stage 1-212 (42.8)16 (28.1)0.17
Stage 3-416 (57.1)1 (1.8)< 0.0001c
OLGIM scale after
Stage 0029 (50.9)< 0.0001c
Stage 1-27 (25)24 (42.1)0.12
Stage 3-421 (75)4 (7)< 0.0001c
Gastritis at histology before, n (%)
Mild3 (10.7)16 (28.1)0.10
Moderate-severe25 (89.3)41 (71.9)0.10
Gastritis at histology after, n (%)
Quiescent26 (92.9)55 (96.5)0.59
Mild2 (7.1)2 (3.5)0.50
MALT hyperplasia before, n (%)
Absent10 (35.7)36 (63.2)0.02b
Mild10 (35.7)15 (26.3)0.37
Moderate6 (21.4)5 (8.8)0.17
Severe2 (7.2)1 (1.8)0.25
MALT hyperplasia after, n (%)
Absent10 (35.7)36 (63.2)0.02b
Mild18 (64.3)21 (36.8)0.02b
Table 4 Probability of detecting low-grade dysplasia randomly or on visible lesions after Helicobacter pylori eradication
VariableOR (95% CI)P valueOR1 (95%CI)P value
Age, yr1.05 (1.01-1.11)< 0.021.05 (1.00-1.10)0.07
Male1.73 (0.69-4.37)0.24--
BMI, kg/m20.93 (0.75-1.15)0.49--
Alcohol use
Yes4.33 (1.63-11.51)< 0.013.88 (1.31-11.49)0.01
Drug use
Yes1.45 (0.54-3.94)0.46--
MALT hyperplasia regression/reduction
Yes3.90 (1.20-7.91)< 0.023.10 (1.05-9.12)0.04
APCA and/or AIF antibody positivity
Yes5.30 (1.44-19.56)0.015.47 (1.33-22.39)< 0.02