Clinical Trials Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Gastroenterol. Mar 28, 2018; 24(12): 1343-1352
Published online Mar 28, 2018. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v24.i12.1343
Table 1 Comparison of the peripheral nerve conduction velocity of patients with or without peripheral neuropathy
ItemSensory nerve conduction velocity
Motor nerve conduction velocity
With peripheral nerve damageWithout peripheral nerve damagetP valueWith peripheral nerve damageWithout peripheral nerve damagetP value
Median nerve50.10 ± 7.8052.30 ± 8.90-2.7330.00654.20 ± 8.7056.20 ± 10.70-2.1290.034
Ulnar nerve49.40 ± 8.1051.50 ± 9.20-2.5560.01150.30 ± 9.4051.30 ± 8.60-1.2300.219
Tibial nerve38.30 ± 3.2044.20 ± 7.60-9.5630.00050.4 ± 8.7055.60 ± 9.80-5.9310.000
Sural nerve45.40 ± 5.0050.80 ± 8.30-7.6220.00046.70 ± 7.9051.10 ± 9.00-5.4790.000
Table 2 Comparison of the general situation of patients in the peripheral neuropathy and no peripheral neuropathy groups
ItemPeripheral neuropathy groupNo peripheral neuropathy groupt/c2P value
Age in yr50.50 ± 13.9045.00 ± 12.404.6530.000
Sex, % male50.6049.500.0680.795
Systolic blood pressure in mmHg130.17 ± 18.98128.35 ± 20.320.9890.323
Diastolic blood pressure in mmHg75.34 ± 10.3277.02 ± 9.45-1.8800.061
BMI in kg/m219.26 ± 2.1521.88 ± 2.27-12.7030.000
Gastroscopy results, % prevalence of chronic atrophic gastritis76.50%59.20%15.4180.000
Helicobacter pylori infection, %86.4056.4046.4520.000
Gastric acid in mmol6.80 ± 3.7017.80 ± 3.50-33.5700.000
Serum gastrin in pg/mL532.42 ± 167.33208.43 ± 44.1236.9680.000
Serum creatinine in μmol/L78.60 ± 17.2076.50 ± 12.401.6430.101
VitA in ng/mL0.267 ± 0.2690.383 ± 0.336-3.9440.000
VitB1 in nmol/L79.40 ± 20.7082.60 ± 17.50-1.8840.060
VitB6 in mmol/L30.90 ± 14.8032.70 ± 15.60-1.2690.205
VitB9 in ng/mL9.06 ± 3.8110.60 ± 3.27-2.4950.013
VitB12 in pg/mL170.20 ± 111.20216.40 ± 149.80-2.7310.007
VitE in μmol/L31.60 ± 5.4833.20 ± 6.37-1.3460.181
Table 3 Peripheral neuropathy multivariate logistic regression analysis results
Influencing factorβSEWald valueOR95%CIP value
Helicobacter pylori infection, infected = 1; uninfected = 01.5410.1247.8164.6703.6625.9550.000
Gastric acid1.3321.4691.1583.7900.21367.4650.886
Serum gastrin1.5452.4971.7964.6900.035626.1270.375
Endoscopy results, atrophic gastritis = 1; nonatrophic gastritis = 01.6630.1978.5625.2763.5867.7620.000
Table 4 Comparison of the general situation of patients with or without vitamin B12 deficiency
ItemVitB12 deficiency, n = 207Normal VitB12 level, n = 386t/c2P value
Age in yr51.70 ± 14.7044.3 ± 11.806.6660.000
Sex, % male51.6048.800.4810.488
Systolic blood pressure in mmHg132.13 ± 19.37129.35 ± 20.061.6280.104
Diastolic blood pressure in mmHg75.26 ± 11.4476.31 ± 9.37-1.2020.230
BMI in kg/m218.36 ± 3.2222.45 ± 2.39-17.5290.000
Helicobacter pylori infection, %87.674.812.9490.000
Gastroscopy results, % prevalence of chronic atrophic gastritis86.5051.8070.1800.000
Serum creatinine in μmol/L78.60 ± 17.2076.5 ± 12.401.7090.088
Gastric acid in mmol7.90 ± 4.2017.60 ± 3.50-29.9550.000
Serum gastrin in pg/mL432.85 ± 137.62219.49 ± 47.9827.5160.000
Table 5 Multivariate logistic regression analysis of VitB12 deficiency
Influencing factorβSEWald valueOR95%CIP value
Helicobacter pylori infection, positive = 1; negative = 01.7300.2797.2185.6403.2649.7450.000
Endoscopy results, atrophic gastritis = 1; nonatrophic gastritis = 02.1450.3649.6458.5464.18717.4420.000
Gastric acid0.9481.2691.0242.5800.21431.0320.762
Serum gastrin1.4792.2262.5494.3900.056344.5670.267
Table 6 Changes in serum VitB12 levels and nerve conduction velocity in patients after half a year of VitB12 supplementation
Item0 mo1 mo2 mo3 mo6 mo
VitB12 in pg/mL158.70 ± 104.50237.20 ± 156.40481.50 ± 164.60614.80 ± 186.70635.20 ± 174.80
Nerve conduction velocity in m/s at 0 mo40.10 ± 5.5040.30 ± 4.7041.60 ± 7.4042.70 ± 5.9045.80 ± 5.80