Clinical Trials Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Gastroenterol. Feb 28, 2017; 23(8): 1450-1457
Published online Feb 28, 2017. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v23.i8.1450
Table 1 Association analysis of immunohistochemistry staining for Arpin vs clinicopathological factors of gastric cancer, n (%)
Clinicopathological featuresNumber of patients (n = 176)Arpin expression
χ2P value
High (n = 54)Low (n = 122)
Age (yr)
> 5097 (55.11)29 (29.90)68 (70.10)0.0630.802
≤ 5079 (44.89)25 (31.65)54 (68.35)
Male110 (62.50)31 (28.18)79 (71.82)0.8650.353
Female66 (37.50)23 (34.85)43 (65.15)
Tumer size (cm)
> 5120 (68.18)37 (30.83)83 (69.17)0.0040.949
≤ 556 (31.82)17 (30.36)39 (69.64)
Depth of invasion
T1 + T244 (25.00)24 (54.55)20 (45.45)15.790.000
T3 + T4132 (75.00)30 (22.73)102 (77.27)
Lymph node metastasis
Yes131 (74.43)25 (19.08)106 (80.92)32.4040.000
No45 (25.57)29 (64.44)16 (35.56)
TNM stage
I70 (39.77)30 (42.86)40 (57.14)9.3790.009
II50 (28.41)14 (28.00)36 (72.00)
III56 (31.82)10 (17.86)16 (82.14)
Well + moderate80 (45.45)21 (26.25)59 (73.75)1.3540.245
Poor96 (54.55)33 (34.38)63 (65.62)
Tumor site
Upper66 (37.50)24 (36.36)42 (63.64)1.6480.439
Middle16 (9.09)4 (25.00)12 (75.00)
Low94 (53.41)26 (27.66)68 (72.34)
Table 2 Immunohistochemistry staining for Arpin in gastric cancer and normal gastric tissues, n (%)
GroupNo. of patientsArpin expression
χ2P value
(n = 219)High (n = 80)Low (n = 139)
Normal4326 (60.47)17 (39.53)13.221< 0.001
Cancer17654 (30.68)122 (69.32)
Table 3 Association analysis of expression of Arpin protein vs TNM stage of gastric cancer, n (%)
TNM stageNo. of patientsArpin expression
P value
High (n = 54)Low (n = 122)
I70 (39.77)30 (42.86)40 (57.14)0.0961
II50 (28.41)14 (28.00)36 (72.00)0.2132
III56 (31.82)10 (17.86)46 (82.14)0.0033
Table 4 Correlation of Arpin and Arp2/3 complex expressions in gastric cancer patients
Arp2/3 complexArpin
χ2P value
High (n = 54)Low (n = 122)
Positive (n = 114)278730.5350.000
Negative (n = 62)2735
Table 5 Univariate and multivariate survival analysis of 3-year DFS in 176 patients with gastric cancer
VariableUnivariate analysis
Multivariate analysis
HRP valueHRP value
tumor size1.4110.08
Depth of invasion1.8180.0171.1170.732
Lymph node metastasis2.4980.0351.4130.225
tumor site1.3360.612
TNM stage4.985< 0.0015.3440.001
Arpin expression0.4940.0050.5510.029