Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Gastroenterol. Jan 14, 2015; 21(2): 408-422
Published online Jan 14, 2015. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i2.408
Table 1 Studies on acute hepatitis C treatment in hemodialysis patients
Ref.Süleymanlar et al[26] (1998)Gürsoy et al[27] (2001)Urbánek et al[28] (2004)Al-Harbi et al[29] (2005)Rocha et al[30](2007)Engel et al[32](2007)Liu et al[33](2010)Ferreira et al[31] (2011)
Schedule4.5 MU tiw3 MU or10 MU +3 MU tiw3 MU or1 μg/kg qw135 μgv qw3 MU tiw
6-10 MU tiw3 MU tiw6 MU tiwor 135 μg qw
Duration16 wk12 wk3 wk + 12 wk12 wk48 or 24 wk24 wk24 wk48 wk
Table 2 Treatment regimens for hepatitis C virus infection in chronic kidney patients
Stage of CKDEstimated GFRTarget dosage of ribavirinDosage of Interferon
1≥ 90800 to 1200 mg qd1PEG-IFN α2a 180 μg qw or PEG-IFN α2b 1.5 μg/kg qw
260 to 89600 to 800 mg qd1
330 to 59400 to 600 mg qd1
415 to 29200 mg qdPEG-IFN α2a 135 μg qwor PEG-IFN α2b 1.0 μg/kg qw
5< 15 or HDTitrated according to patient tolerability2
Table 3 Meta-analyses on the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in hemodialysis patients
Ref.YearTrials (n)TherapynSVR1
Russo et al[95]200311IFN21333% (21%-51%)
Fabrizi et al[96]200314IFN26937% (28%-48%)
Gordon et al[97]200820IFN45941% (33%-49%)
5PEG-IFN8737% (9%-77%)
Fabrizi et al[99]200824IFN52939% (32%-46%)
4PEG-IFN11631% (7%-55%)
Gordon et al[98]200920IFN42845%
Alavian et al[100]201021IFN49139% (32%-46%)
12PEG-IFN27939% (27%-52%)
Fabrizi et al[101]201016PEG-IFN25433% (24%-43%)
Fabrizi et al[102]201110PEG-IFN + RBV15156% (28%-84%)
Fabrizi et al[103]201411PEG-IFN + RBV28760% (28%-97%)
Table 4 Studies on the treatment of chronic hepatitis C in kidney transplant recipients
Ref.YearnTherapyInterferon doseDuration (mo)SVR
Harihara et al[154]19943IFN3-6 MU biwNANA
Therret et al[155]199413IFN3-5 MU tiwAbout 4NA
Magnone et al[156]199511IFN1.5-5.0 MU tiw6NA
Rostaing et al[157]199514IFN3 MU tiwAbout 50%
Ozgür et al[158]19955IFN4.5 MU tiw6NA
Yasumura et al[159]19976IFN6 MU tiwAbout 733%
Durlik et al[160]199811IFN3 MU tiwAbout 60%
Hanafusa et al[161]199810IFN9 MU tiw610%
Tokumoto et al[162]19986IFN9 MU tiw650%
Baid et al[163]200312IFN + RBV3 MU tiwVariable33%
Tang et al[164]20034IFN + RBV3 MU tiw1250%
Shu et al[165]200411IFN + RBV1 MU tiw1227%
Izopet et al[166]199715IFN3 MU tiwAbout 50%
Sharma et al[167]20066IFN + RBV3 MU tiwAbout 1233%
Pageaux et al[168]20098PEG-IFNα2a180 μg qw6-1250%
Aljumah et al[169]201219PEG-IFN + RBV90-180 μg qw1242%
Sanai et al[170]201332PEG-IFN + RBV135-180 μg qw1238%