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Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Inc.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 28, 2014; 20(28): 9374-9383
Published online Jul 28, 2014. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i28.9374
Table 1 Definition of borderline resectable and locally advanced according to the MD Anderson Cancer Center and the American Hepatopancreatobiliary Association/Society of Surgical Oncology/Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract/National Comprehensive Cancer Network classification systems of stage III pancreatic cancer
Definition systemVesselBRPCLAPC
MDACCSMVShort segment occlusionNo reconstruction feasible
PVShort segment occlusionNo reconstruction feasible
CHAAbutment, short encasementLong encasement
AHPBA/SSO/SSAT/NCCNSMVAbutment, Encasement, OcclusionNo reconstruction feasible
PVAbutment, Encasement, OcclusionNo reconstruction feasible
CHAAbutment, Short encasementLong encasement
CTNor encasement or abutment1Abutment1
MetastasesNor visceral nor extra-regional nodalNor visceral nor extra-regional nodal
Table 2 Studies on chemotherapy for advanced pancreatic cancer
Ref.CT regimenStudyLAPC (n)ORR (%)OS medianRes rate (%)MetastaticORR (%)OS median
Conroy et al[33]FOLFIRINOX vs GemMulticentric phase II trial0NANANA34231.6 vs 9.411.1 vs 6.4
Louvet et al[45]GEMOX vs GEM alonephase III9814.9 vs 27.310.3 vs 10.3NA21518.3 vs 26.46.7 vs 8.5
Rocha Lima et al[46]Irinotecan + GEM vs GEM aloneMulticenter, open label, phase III5125.9 vs 4.29.8 vs 11.7NA29314.9 vs 4.85.4 vs 5.9
Poplin et al[47]GEM vs GEM FDR vs GEMOXphase II, multicentric86369.2NA737NR4.9 vs 6.2 vs 5.7
Kindler et al[49]GEM + Bevacizumab vs GEM + placeboDouble blind, placebo controlled, phase III31NANANA189NR5.8 vs 5.9
Gunturu et al[53]FOLFIRINOXSingle centre, retrospective1650NANA1947NA
Peddi et al[55]FOLFIRINOXRegistry1834NANA2218NA
Table 3 Studies on neoadjuvant chemotherapy for locally advanced pancreatic cancer
Ref.Study typeCT regimenStaging systemLAPC (n)Res rate (%)R0 resections/total resectionsORROS median
Lee et al[51]Prospective non-randomizedGemcitabine + capecitabineNCCNAPBCC18 BR 25 UR33 BR 10 UR61 BR 24 UR46 BR 20 UR9/11 BR 5/6 UR13/15 BR 1/2 URNRNR23.1 mo (cumulative)
Sahora et al[52]Prospective phase IINeoGEMTAXNR12 BR 13 UR327/8NR16 mo (resected patients)
FARIS1 et al[54]Single centre, retrospectiveFOLFIRINOXNCNN22NR22.727.3% (CT alone)NR
Hosein1 et al[39]Prospective phase IIFOLFIRINOXNR14 BR 4UR55.57/8NR16 mo (resected patients)
Table 4 Studies on neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced pancreatic cancer
Ref.Study typeCT regimenRTStaging SystemLAPC (n)Resection rate (%)R0 resections/total resectionsORR (%)OS median (mo)
Shinchi et al[57]Prospective randomized trial5-FU concurrent infusionExternal beam RT (50.4 Gy/28 fractions) vs no RTNR31NRNR3113.2 vs 6.4
Tinkl et al[60]Prospective studyGemcitabineThree dimensional conformal55.8 Gy tumor50.4 Gy nodesNR12031.635/38NR25
Kim et al[61]Phase I studyGemcitabine + oxaliplatinConcurrent external beam RT27 Gy/15 fractionsNCCN3828.97/1115.712.5 (all patients)
Huguet et al[62]Phase II and III trialUpfront CT: FOLFUGEM, GEMOX, Gemcitabine vs GEMOX167 patientsExternal beam RT(55 Gy/30 fractions)72 patientsNR167NRNRNR13.1
Krishnan et al[63]Prospective non-randomized trialChemoradiation (247 patients)Upfront GEM CT followed by CRT5-FU, GEM, CAPE(76 patients)30 Gy (220 patients) or55 Gy (27 patients) 30 Gy (64 patients) or55 Gy (12 patients)MDACC323NRNRNR9.1
Mukerjee et al[64]Open label, randomized, phase II trialUpfront CT GEM or CAPE CRT GEM or CAPE58 Gy/30 fractionsNR7438 GEM36 CAPENRNR20.215.2 (GEM) vs 13.4 (CAPE)
Leone et al[65]Prospective non-randomized trialUpfront CT GEMOX CRT GEM50.4 GyNCCN3915 BR24 UR28.211/11NR16.7 27.8 BR 13.3 UR
Polistina et al[76]Prospective non-randomized trialUpfront GEM CTGEM CRTSBRT30 Gy/3 fractionsMDACC23 UR82/369.510.6
Table 5 Studies on neoadjuvant chemotherapy for potentially resectable pancreatic cancer
Ref.Study typeCT regimenPatients (n)Resection rate (%)R0 resections rate (%)OS median (mo)
Heinrich et al[66]Prospective non-randomized phase IIGemcitabine + cisplatin28938026.5
Tajima et al[68]Pilot studyS1 vs upfront surgery34 (total) 13 (S1) vs 21 (upfront surgery)10084.6 vs 85.72 yr 55.6% vs 29.6%
Sho et al[69]Single centreGEM CRT (external beam 50 to 54 Gy)619792NR
Van Buren et al[70]Prospective phase II trialFDR GEM + bevacizumab induction5972.838/43 (88.3%)16. 8 (overall)
GEM + bevacizumab Accelerated RT 30 Gy/10 fractions19.7 (resected patients)