Original Article
Copyright ©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Apr 28, 2013; 19(16): 2466-2472
Published online Apr 28, 2013. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i16.2466
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, stratified according to the stage of chronic kidney disease n (%)
VariableTotal (n = 440)Stages 1 and 2 (n = 132)Stage 3 (n = 263)Stages 4 and 5 (n = 45)P value
eGFR153.7 ± 27.173.5 ± 13.550.0 ± 26.417.6 ± 8.70.000
Age1 (yr)60.6 ± 11.954.4 ± 12.363.1 ± 10.564.0 ± 11.70.000
Male329 (74.8)115 (87.1)182 (69.2)32 (71.1)0.000
HBV carrier271 (61.6)97 (73.5)152 (57.8)22 (48.9)0.002
HCV carrier201 (45.7)42 (31.8)131 (49.8)28 (62.2)0.000
HBV and HCV carrier62 (14.1)15 (11.4)39 (14.8)8 (17.8)0.488
Follow-up duration1 (mo)37.6 ± 37.137.0 ± 37.640.7 ± 37.620.9 ± 27.40.013
Table 2 Liver function tests of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, stratified according to the stage of chronic kidney disease (mean ± SD)
VariableTotal (n = 440)Stage 1 and 2 (n = 132)Stage 3 (n = 263)Stages 4 and 5 (n = 45)P value
AFP (ng/mL)6202.1 ± 83392.33564.6 ± 11906.08176.6 ± 106579.91866.3 ± 4866.00.911
AST (U/L )84.8 ± 77.994.3 ± 76.177.4 ± 68.6104.3 ± 126.50.495
ALT (U/L)73.0 ± 90.479.4 ± 79.164.8 ± 49.2103.0 ± 218.90.150
T-bilirubin (mg/dL)1.8 ± 3.71.5 ± 1.61.8 ± 4.32.8 ± 4.40.198
ALP (U/L)122.4 ± 92.1124.0 ± 76.6114.6 ± 79.7164.5 ± 170.20.072
Albumin (g/dL )3.5 ± 0.73.6 ± 0.63.5 ± 0.73.2 ± 0.70.001
Prolonged PT (s)1.9 ± 4.31.4 ± 1.21.6 ± 2.15.1 ± 12.40.000
Platelet count (x 103/μL)138.2 ± 90.7163.7 ± 109.7126.5 ± 80.1131.4 ± 73.00.037
Table 3 Liver cirrhosis classification, tumor staging, cause of mortality of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma stratified according to the stage of chronic kidney disease n (%)
VariableTotal (n = 440)Stage 1 and 2 (n = 132)Stage 3 (n = 263)Stages 4 and 5 (n = 45)P value
Liver cirrhosis classification(Child-Pugh score)0.002
No53 (12.0)27 (20.5)23 (8.7)3 (6.7)
Class A236 (53.6)67 (50.8)151 (57.4)18 (40.0)
Class B110 (25.0)30 (22.7)64 (24.3)16 (35.6)
Class C41 (9.3)8 (6.1)25 (9.5)8 (17.8)
Tumor stage0.001
Stage 1213 (48.4)60 (45.5)133 (50.6)20 (44.4)
Stage 2113 (25.7)27 (20.5)76 (28.9)10 (22.2)
Stage 384 (19.1)40 (30.3)36 (13.7)8 (17.8)
Stage 430 (6.8)5 (3.8)18 (6.8)7 (15.6)
Mortality162 (36.9)47 (35.6)94 (35.9)21 (46.7)
Cause of mortality0.050
Liver failure27 (6.1)10 (7.6)16 (6.1)1 (2.2)
Tumor death35 (8.0)8 (6.1)22 (8.4)5 (11.1)
Gastrointestinal bleeding27 (6.1)11 (8.3)16 (6.1)0 (0)
Sepsis69 (15.7)18 (13.6)36 (13.7)15 (33.3)
Others5 (1.1)1 (0.8)4 (1.5)0 (0)
Table 4 Cox regression analysis of mortality in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and chronic kidney disease
VariableUnivariate analysis
Multivariate analysis
Odds ratio (95%CI)P valueOdds ratio (95%CI)P value
Chronic kidney disease stage2.237 (1.376-3.636)0.0011.988 (1.012-3.906)0.046
Liver cirrhosis stage4.566 (2.331-8.929)0.0003.571 (1.590-8.000)0.002
Tumor stage3.509 (1.789-6.849)0.0002.169 (0.997-4.717)0.051
Albumin, each increase of 1 mg/dL0.503 (0.399-0.633)0.0000.657 (0.491-0.878)0.005
Prolonged prothrombin time, each increase of 1 s1.062 (1.036-1.089)0.0000.977 (0.942-1.013)0.215