Brief Article
Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Jul 21, 2012; 18(27): 3551-3557
Published online Jul 21, 2012. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v18.i27.3551
Table 1 Colonoscopy quality indicators
Patient demographics and history
Management plans
Informed consent documentation
Previous GI procedures: documented date (yes/no)
Documentation of ASA classification
Indications for procedure
Average risk
Increased risk
Incomplete colonoscopy
Post adenoma resection
Procedure: Technical description
Date and time
Level of difficulty of the procedure
Bowel preparation
Type and dosage
Actual extent of examination
Cecal intubation (yes/no)
Documentation of cecal landmarks
Appendiceal orifice
Ileocecal valve
Total and withdrawal time recorded (yes/no)
Colonoscopic findings
Colonic polyp(s):
Morphology anatomic location
Method of removal
Completeness of removal (yes/no)
Retrieved (yes/no)
Sent to pathology (yes/no)
Interventions/unplanned events
Unplanned interventions and complications
Documentation of discharge plans (info to patient, info to referring MD)
Documentation of pathology results to the patient and the physician
Adenoma detection (yes/no)
Cancer detection (yes/no)
Table 2 Patient population and endoscopists description n (%)
Patients (n = 250)endoscopists (n = 11)
Mean age (yr)63.2 ± 10.5
Women107 (42.8)
Men143 (57.2)
Procedure indications
Average risk85 (38.5)
Past personal history90 (43.3)
Past family history42 (20.2)
HNPCC1 (1.4)
FAP1 (1.4)
Specialty of endoscopists
Surgical3 (27.3)
GI8 (72.7)
Average years of endoscopists practice (yr)17.1 ± 8.5
Table 3 Pre-procedure indicators n (%)
Quality indicator sought in the report(n = 250)
Consent documentation250 (100.0)
Management plan for anticoagulation11 (0.5; 95% CI: 0.0-1.5)
Previous GI colonoscopy date124 (14.0; 95% CI: 8.7-19.2)
ASA classification0 (0)
Previous polyp resection20 (12.7; 95% CI: 7.4-17.9)
Details available5 (25.0; 95% CI: 4.2-45.8)
1-2 tubular adenoma < 1 cm2 (33.3; 95% CI: 0.0-87.5)
3-10 tubular adenoma > 1 cm1 (16.7; 95% CI: 0.0-59.9)
10 adenomas1 (16.7; 95% CI: 0.0-59.9)
Sessile adenoma > 2 cm1 (16.7; 95% CI: 0.0-59.9)
Table 4 Procedural indicators and colonoscopic findings n (%)
Procedural indicators
Quality indicator sought in the reportn = 250
Date of exam246 (98.4, 95% CI: 96.8-100.0)
Medications with dosage248 (99.2, 95% CI: 98.1-100.0)
Level of difficulty247 (98.8, 95% CI: 97.4-100.0)
Bowel preparation quality
Poor10 (4.0, 95% CI: 1.6-6.5)
Fair27 (10.8, 95% CI: 7.0-14.7)
Good212 (85.1, 95% CI: 80.7-89.6)
Actual extent of examination
Cecum236 (94.4, 95% CI: 91.7-97.3)
Ascending colon6 (2.4, 95% CI: 0.5-4.3)
Transverse colon2 (0.8, 95% CI: 0.0-1.9)
Descending colon2 (0.8, 95% CI: 0.0-1.9)
Recto sigmoid4 (1.6, 95% CI: 0.0-3.2)
Cecal intubation236 (94.4, 95% CI: 91.5-97.3)
Photodocumentation186 (74.4, 95% CI: 69.0-79.8)
Documentation of cecal landmarks
Appendiceal orifice168 (67.2, 95% CI: 61.2-73.2)
Ileocecal valve103 (41.2, 95% CI: 35.1-73.1)
Retroflexion in rectum177 (70.8, 95% CI: 65.1-76.5)
Withdrawal time0 (0)
Total time0 (0)
Intra-procedural complications1 (0.4, 95% CI: 0.0-1.2)
Colonoscopic findings: polyps
Polyp findings111 (44.4, 95% CI: 38.2-50.6)
Mean polyp number2.2 ± 2.5
Polyp size documented73 (65.8, 95% CI: 56.8-74.7)
Mean polyp size (mm)17.6 ± 33.1
Documented69 (62.2, 95% CI: 53.0-71.3)
Pedunculated17 (23.9, 95% CI: 13.8-34.1)
Sessile56 (80.0, 95% CI: 70.4-89.6)
Anatomic location documented110 (99.1, 95% CI: 97.3-100.0)
Method of removal
Cold biopsy28 (25.2, 95% CI: 17.0-33.4)
Cold snare20 (18.0, 95% CI: 10.8-25.3)
Snare cautery35 (31.5, 95% CI: 22.8-40.3)
Not mentioned23 (20.7, 95% CI: 13.1-28.4)
Retrieved72 (84.7, 95% CI: 76.9-92.5)
Sent to pathology85 (76.5, 95% CI: 67.3-85.7)
Table 5 Comparison between national United States study and the current audit
%Current audit (%)
Patient characteristics
Women4942.8, 95% CI: 36.6-49.0
Men5157.2, 95% CI: 51.0-63.4
Average risk29.638.5, 95% CI: 32.0-44.9
Past family history13.420.2, 95% CI: 14.7-25.7
Past personal history1943.3, 95% CI: 36.5-50.1
Presence of recorded variables
ASA classification89.90
Bowel preparation quality86.199.6, 95% CI: 98.8-100.0
Previous GI colonoscopy date33.914.0, 95% CI: 8.7-19.2
Cecal landmarks85.967.2, 95% CI: 61.3-73.1
Polyp size9065.8, 95% CI: 56.8-74.7
Polyp morphology85.362.2, 95% CI: 53.0-71.3
Polyp retrieval95.584.7, 95% CI: 76.9-92.5
Endoscopic outcomes
Cecal intubation96.394.4, 95% CI: 91.5-97.3
Polyp findings36.344.4, 95% CI: 38.2-50.6