Original Article
Copyright ©2011 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. May 14, 2011; 17(18): 2302-2314
Published online May 14, 2011. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v17.i18.2302
Table 1 Characteristics of post-surgical patients receiving push-enteroscopy or double balloon enteroscopy-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Pts.Age/sexIndicationPrevious surgeryAccess by G/T/P
172 fRecurrent cholangitisLTX, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
2376 mMalignant cholestasisPartial gastrectomy (BII)No
360 mLiver abscessesWhipple resection, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyP
466 mBenign cholestasisCHE, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyP
5352 fBenign cholestasisComplicated CHE, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomNo
679 fPostsurgical bile duct leakageComplicated CHE partial gastrectomy (BII)P
738 mRecurrent cholangitisCongenital bile duct atresia Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
866 mPancreatitis with pseudocystPylorus preserving pancreatic head resection, Roux Y, hepatico-& pancreaticojejunostomyNo
958 fBenign cholestasis abdominal painTotal gastrectomy, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
1064 fBenign cholestasis with cholangitisCHE, right hemihepatectomy, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
1150 fBenign cholestasis, bile ducht stonesDorsal gastroenterostomy with hepaticojejunostomyG1
1251 fBenign cholestasisCHE, partial gastrectomy (BII) with Roux YNo
1381 fMalignant cholestasisCHE, partial gastrectomy (BII) with Roux YNo
14352 fBenign cholestasisCompliated CHE, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
15371 mMalignant cholestasisComplicated CHE, partial gastrectomy (BII), Roux YNo
1669 fRecurrent cholangitisCHE, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
1747 fCholangitis, malignant cholestasisTotal gastrectomy, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomT2
1867 mBenign cholestasisLTX, bile duct revision, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
1951 fBenign cholestasis, bile ducht stonesLTX, bile duct revision, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
2068 fBenign cholestasis, chronic pancreatitisTotal gastrectomy, Roux YNo
2171 mRecurrent cholangitisModified Whipple resection, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
2268 mMalignant cholestasisPartial gastrectomy (BII) with Roux YNo
23364 fMalignant cholestasisCHE, small bowel & colon resection, Roux Y, hepatico-jejunostomyNo
2461 mSuspected malignant cholestasisModified Whipple resection, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
2562 mMalignant cholestasisTotal gastrectomy, Roux YP
2673 mBenign cholestasisPylorus preserving pancreatic head resection, Roux Y, hepatico& pancreaticojejunostomyNo
2776 mBenign cholestasisTotal gastrectomy, Roux YNo
28376 fMalignant cholestasisTotal gastrectomy, Roux YNo
2984 mMalignant cholestasisPartial gastrectomy (BII) with Roux YNo
3054 mCholedocholithiasis, cholangitisComplicated CHE, Roux Y, choledochojejunostomyNo
3174 mCholedocholithiasisTotal gastrectomy, Roux YNo
3261 mRecurrent cholangitisLTX, bile duct revision, Roux Y, choledochojejunostomyP
33355 mSuspected malignant cholestasis, chronic pancreatitisWhipple resection, Roux Y, hepatico- & pancreatico-jejunostomyNo
3434 fBiliary colics, benign cholestasis hepatitis CLTX, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyP
35364 mSuspected malignant cholestasis, chronic pancreatitisWhipple resection, Roux Y, hepatico- & pancreatico-jejnostomyNo
3651 fSuspected choledocholithiasis,right abdominal painLTX, Roux Y, choledochojejunostomyNo
3761 mRecurrent cholangitisComplicated CHE, Roux Y, hepaticojejunostomyNo
Table 2 Results of push-enteroscopy and double balloon enteroscopy-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: postoperative anatomy and final diagnosis
Pts.Foot-point anastomosis (cm)Papilla/ostium (cm)ERCP diagnosisPTCD before/after DBE
184162Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (mucosal and intramural stricture 3 mm), putrid cholangitis(2) Yes
2167Not foundSwelling of anastomosis, afferent loop not foundNo
36590Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (mucosal, 11 mm stricture), cholangitisNo
4 P75110Sludge, stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (mucosal, 3 mm stricture)No
51Not foundPTCD stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (12 mm stricture)(8) Yes(6)
6 P52 (BII)78Distal bile duct leakage and adhesion to abd. drainageNo
780165Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (mucosal, 2 mm stricture), cholangitisNo
885107Normal choledochojejunostomy pancreaticojejunostomy with 10 mm diameter, 10 mm pancreaticNo
85118Duct stricture, pancreatic pseudocyst
985130Normal hepaticojejunostomy, bile duct kinkingNo
1077142Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (intramural, 4 mm) and stricture, common hepatic duct 4mm, biliomaNo
114662Obstructed hepaticojejunostomy by sludge/stones (hepaticolithiasis)No
1270105Papilla stenosis, bile duct kinking and stricture 3 mmNo
136084Bile duct stricture 18 mm due to papilla tumorYes (2)
14195Not foundPTCD stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (12 mm stricture)(12) Yes (6)
15157110PTCD edematous, tumorous papillaYes (2)
1665120Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (mucosal, 4 mm stricture)(10) Yes
176592Malignant proximal bile duct stricture 22 mmNo
18100175Hepaticolithiasis, normal hepaticojejunostomyNo
1970120Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (intramural, 12 mm stricture), cholestasis due to bile duct bleeding(1) Yes
206078Papilla & bile duct stenosis due to chronic, pancreatitis, pancreatic duct stenosisNo
215585Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy,(mucosal, 2 mm stricture) & intrahepatic strictureNo
2275110Distal bile duct stricture 45 mm due to ampullary tumorNo
231Not foundPTCD complete malignant stricture of hepaticojejunostomy due to progredient metastasisYes (1)
2460120Hilar and hepatic duct strictures 9 and 26 mm, normal hepatico jejunostomyNo
25 P65110Malignant obstruction biliary metal stent, sludge, cholangitis(4) Yes
26110158Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy, (intramural, 10 mm stricture)No
277611222 mm bile duct stricture due to chronic pancreatitis(2) Yes
28188145Polypoid papilla tumorYes (4)
29100140Distal bile duct stricture 35mm due to suspected pancreatic tumorNo
30105151Bile duct with sludge, normal choledochojejunostomyNo
3151165Choledocholithiasis(2) Yes (2)
32 P78147Stenotic choledochojejunostomy, (intramural, 6 mm stricture) and bilioma segment IVNo
33166Not found 126PTCD: malignant stenotic hepatico-jejunostomy (filia), but normal pancreaticojejunostomy and chronic pancreatitis -Yes (3)
34 P80132Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy & hilar stenosis in ischemic cholangiopathyNo
35168114PTCD: recurrence of pancreatic tumor with malignant stenosis at hepaticojejunostomy, bile ducts and small intestine normal pancreaticojejnostomy and chronic pancreatitisYes (5)
3670131Normal choledochojejunostomyNo
3778139Stenotic hepaticojejunostomy (mucosal 2mm stricture)No
Table 3 Results of push-enteroscopy and double balloon enteroscopy-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: therapeutic measures and (means ± SD) of sedation, X-rays and procedure time
Procedure Time (min)
ProceduresTherapyDose (mg)DrugTime (min)Dose (103 cGy/cm2)
17Ostium incision (snare, papillotome) dilation, 2 stents inserted, regular change of 2 stents/1 yr12.8 ± 3 132 ± 31Midazolam Pethidine19 ± 113.4 ± 2122 ± 158
21Not successful, re-operation10.0Midazolam3.31.082
3 P3Ostium incision (papillotome), dilation, stent insertion, regular change of stent/1 yr15.0 ± 1Midazolam7.5 ± 71.8 ± 1.9115 ± 79
125 ± 35Pethidine
4 P4Stent insertion, regular change of stent/1 yr12 ± 2Midazolam20 ± 293.1 ± 1.6110 ± 171
137 ± 25Pethidine
52Not successful, PTCD12 ± 1Midazolam2.8 ± 14.0 ± 0.277 ± 11
6 P2Stent insertion, closure of bile duct leakage7.8 ± 0.4Midazolam4.0 ± 10.4 ± 0.1135 ± 71
79Ostium incision (papillotome), 2 stents inserted, regular change of stents/1 yr1691 ± 867Propofol7.1 ± 61.8 ± 2.4168 ± 131
135 ± 74Pethidine
84Bougienage pancreaticojejunostomy, stent insertion into pancreatic duct and pseudocyst; normal hepatico-jejunostomy13.3 ± 2Midazolam11.8 ± 92.0 ± 2161 ± 92
158 ± 38Pethidine
40 ± 28Butylscopolamine
91Normal hepaticojejunostomy14Midazolam10.10.591
1043 stents inserted, one change of 2 stents11.2 ± 5Midazolam12.6 ± 90.6 ± 0.461 ± 12
133 ± 28Pethidine
114Insertion nasobiliary probe, dilation, stone extraction, insertion of stent9.5 ± 1Midazolam8.1 ± 20.7 ± 0.461 ± 22
125 ± 35Pethidine
128Bougienage, papillotomy, papilla dilation 8-10mm, stent insertion, regular change of stents/18 months1082 ± 476Propofol14 ± 83.1 ± 1.8113 ± 97
156 ± 77Pethidine
47 ± 11Butylscopolamine
133Stent insertion, regular change of stent unsuccessful due to progredient papilla tumor, PTCD10.8 ± 3Midazolam13 ± 45.9 ± 2.9177 ± 61
91 ± 52Pethidine
40 ± 28Butylscopolamine
142Not successful, PTCD25 ± 7Midazolam5.4 ± 10.8 ± 0.1155 ± 21
175 ± 35Pethidine
152Not successful, PTCD7.8 ± 3Midazolam5.9 ± 21.5 ± 0.3122 ± 46
100 ± 25Pethidine
161Ostium incision (papillotome), 2 stents inserted (perforation)14Midazolam15.71.7155
175Papillotomy*, bougienage, nasobiliary probe; insertion of 2 stents, regular change of 2 stents/9 mo16.8 ± 4Midazolam11.6 ± 112.5 ± 2.6198 ± 98
210 ± 74Pethidine
16.7 ± 10Diazepam
30 ± 11Butylscopolamine
181Stone extraction19Midazolam24.45.3178
194Extraction sludge & blood coagel, insertion nasobiliary probe, extraction of percutaneous drainage & insertion of 2 stents (rendezvous), regular change of 2 stents/ 9 mo13 ± 1Midazolam9.7 ± 92.0 ± 1.882 ± 31
116 ± 28Pethidine
5 ± 5Diazepam
204Papillotomy, stent insertion pancreatic duct, regular change of stent/6 mo, hemostasis with injection therapy695 ± 275Propofol8.7 ± 10.7 ± 0.461 ± 13
75 ± 50PSSSethidine
70 ± 14Butylscopolamine
213Insertion of 2 stents, regular change of 2 stents/6 mo12 ± 1.8Midazolam15 ± 74.5 ± 1.9185 ± 32
158 ± 62Pethidine
221Papillotomy, insertion of 2 stents19Midazolam17.24.5113
231Not successful, PTCD16Midazolam0.60.263
242Stent insertion17.5 ± 2Midazolam18.9 ± 155.6 ± 2.8150 ± 61
100 ± 70Pethidine
25 P3Stone/sludge extraction, dilation, biliary metal stent and malignant bile duct stricture, stent insertion, regular change of stent/9 mo9 ± 4Midazolam12.9 ± 23.3 ± 1.154 ± 12
200 ± 65Pethidine
262Ostium incision (papillotome), bougienage, stent insertion7 ± 4Midazolam4.5 ± 21.2 ± 0.661 ± 23
75 ± 35Pethidine
40 ± 20Butylscopolamine
273Papillotomy, extraction of percutaneous drainage and insertion of 2 stents (rendezvous)5.7 ± 1Midazolam5.0 ± 11.0 ± 0.171 ± 12
83 ± 28Pethidine
281Not successful, PTCD5Midazolam2.10.6109
292Papillotomy, bougienage, stent insertion9 ± 2Midazolam9.2 ± 24.4 ± 0.3113 ± 21
150 ± 25Pethidine
301Sludge extraction, insertion nasobiliary2.5Midazolam16.47.8123
312Papillotomy, stone extraction, extraction of percutaneous drainage and insertion of stent (rendezvous)7 ± 2Midazolam2.2 ± 0.51.9 ± 0.496 ± 31
100 ± 25Pethidine
32 P1Stent insertion10Midazolam27.17.9161
332Not successful, PTCD diagnostic pancreatography, extraction of percutaneous drainage with both ostium incision and insertion of 2 stents (rendezvous)12 ± 5Midazolam10.6 ± 93.3 ± 2.597 ± 80
150 ± 70Pethidine
40 ± 28Butylscopolamine
34 P3Insertion of 2 stents, regular change of stents/12 mo10 ± 7Midazolam19.9 ± 103.6 ± 2.398 ± 33
183 ± 124Pethidine
10 ± 5Diazepam
20 ± 20Butylscopolamine
351Not successful, PTCD diagnostic pancreatography11Midazolam0.30.186
361Normal choledochojejunostomy7Midazolam2.11.851
371Ostium incision (papillotome), insertion of 2 stents8.5Midazolam4.42.072
Pts overallTotal number PE/DBEMean sedation dose per examinationTotal x-ray timeTotal x-ray doseTotal examination time
3716 PE 86 DBE11.7 ± 2.8Midazolam9.0 ± 5.52.5 ± 1.3111 ± 54
124 ± 45Pethidine
20 ± 20Butylscopolamine
1156 ± 593Propofol