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Copyright ©2010 Baishideng.
World J Gastroenterol. Jun 21, 2010; 16(23): 2841-2850
Published online Jun 21, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i23.2841
Table 1 Evolution of endoscopic ultrasound criteria for chronic pancreatitis
Lees[6] (1986)Wiersema et al[2] (1993)Sahai et al[8] (1998)Catalano et al[9] (2009)1Histological correlation
Number of criteriaQualitative1193 major; 6 minor
ParenchymalXReduced echogenic fociXX
Strongly echogenic fociEchogenic foci (> 3 mm)Hyperechoic fociHyperechoic foci without shadowing (minor). Echogenic structures ≥ 2 mm in length and width with no shadowingFocal fibrosis
Hyperechoic foci with shadowing (major A). Echogenic structures ≥ 2 mm in length and width that shadowCalcifications in side-branches
Echogenic bandsXHyperechoic strandsStranding (minor). Hyperechoic lines of ≥ 3 mm in length in at least 2 different directions with respect to the imaged planeFibrotic bands
CavitiesCysts (> 3 mm)CystsCysts (minor). Anechoic, rounded/elliptical structures with or without septationsPseudocysts
Accentuation of lobular architectureAccentuation of lobular patternParenchymal lobularityLobularity with honeycombing (major B). Well-circumscribed, ≥ 5 mm structures with enhancing rim and relatively echo-poor center, with ≥ 3 contiguous lobulesEdema separated by fibrotic bands
Lobularity without honeycombing (minor). Well-circumscribed, ≥ 5 mm structures with enhancing rim and relatively echo-poor center, with noncontiguous lobules
Increase in caliberDilationMPD dilationMPD dilation (minor). ≥ 3.5 mm in body or > 1.5 mm in tailObstructed duct
Irregularity of the lumenIrregular contourIrregular MPD marginsIrregular MPD contour (minor). Uneven or irregular outline and ectatic courseDuctal fibrosis and strictures
Increase echogenicity of duct wallDuct wall echogenicityHyperechoic MPD marginsHyperechoic MPD margin (minor). Echogenic, distinct structure greater than 50% of entire MPD in the body and tailPeriductal fibrosis
Intraluminal echoesCalculiShadowing calcificationsMPD calculi (major A). Echogenic structures within MPD with acoustic shadowingCalcifications in the main duct
Visualization of side branchesSide-branch dilationVisible side-branchesDilated side branches (minor). 3 or more tubular anechoic structures each measuring ≥ 1 mm in width, budding from the MPDSide-branch ectasia
Strictures with dilationXXX
Main or branch duct disruptions with cystXXX
Table 2 Test performance of endoscopic ultrasound in comparative studies
StudyGold standardCut-pointOverall test performance
Minimal change CP test performance
Buscail et al[11]CompositeNone89% (39/44)100% (18/18)NRNR
Nattermann et al[4]ERCPNone98% (50/51)63% (27/43)88% (7/8)63% (27/43)
Wiersema et al[2]ERCP≥ 3100% (19/19)79% (38/48)100% (18/18)79% (38/48)
Catalano et al[3]ERCP≥ 386% (31/36)95% (42/44)82% (22/27)95% (42/44)
Sahai et al[8]ERCP≥ 363% NR68% NRNRNR
Hastier et al[25]ERCPNone93% (13/14)NRNRNR
Hollerbach et al[36]ERCPGrade 0-397% (30/31)67% (4/6)95% (20/21)67% (4/6)
Wiersema et al[2]Secretin ID-PFT≥ 367% (6/9)29% (2/7)67% (6/9)29% (2/7)
Catalano et al[3]Secretin ID-PFT≥ 384% (21/25)78% (43/55)NRNR
Raimondo et al[13]CCK PFT≥ 443% (3/7)50% (4/8)NRNR
Chowdhury et al[14]Secretin PFT≥ 371% (5/7)35% (5/14)71% (5/7)35% (5/14)
Stevens et al[15]Secretin PFT≥ 368% (34/50)79% (30/38)NRNR
Stevens et al[16]Secretin PFT≥ 471% (17/24)92% (24/26)NRNR
Stevens et al[16]CCK PFT≥ 463% (15/24)85% (22/26)NRNR
Chong et al[19]Histology≥ 3NRNR83% (30/36)80% (4/5)
Varadarajulu et al[18]Histology≥ 491% (19/21)86% (18/21)91% (19/21)86% (18/21)
Gupta et al[20]Histology≥ 371% (10/14)100% (1/1)71% (10/14)100% (1/1)
Albashir et al[21]Histology≥ 475% (12/16)NRNRNR
Bhutani et al[49]Histology (Autopsy)≥ 3100% (10/10)100% (1/1)100% (10/10)100% (1/1)
Kahl et al[22]Baseline or repeat ERCP≥ 1100% (114/114)NRNRNR
Morris-Stiff et al[24]Radiographic progressionNone100% (13/13)NR100% (13/13)NR