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Copyright ©2006 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Aug 21, 2006; 12(31): 5021-5027
Published online Aug 21, 2006. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v12.i31.5021
Table 1 Histologic damage score of the liver after liver transplantation
Single cell necrosis0: No necrotic hepatocyte in 5 HPF (40 X)
1: 1-10 in 5 HPF
2: > 10
Confluent necrosis0
1: Small in size and number
2: Large size and /or large number
Hepatic mitosis0: No mitotic hepatocyte in 5 HPF (40 X)
1: 1-10 in 5 HPF
2: > 10 (extensive)
Bile duct inflammation damage0: No inflammation;
1: A minority of the ducts are cuffed and infiltrated by inflammatory cells
2: More than an occasional duct showing degenerative changes or focal degenerative changes; Most of the ducts infiltrated by inflammatory cells
3: Most of the ducts showing luminal disruption, most of the ducts infiltrated by inflammatory cells
Ductular proliferation0: None
1: Minimal (small proliferation in a minority of portal tracts)
2: Mild (most portal tracts but not involving the lobular parenchyma)
3: Moderate (all portal tracts and extending along the fibrous septa)
4: Severe (extending along the portal tracts and also slightly involving the lobular parenchyma)
5: Very severe (diffuse proliferation in the lobular parenchyma)
Fibrosis0: None
1: Fibrosis slightly extending portal tracts
2: Fibrosis extending portal tracts with incomplete septa
3: Fibrosis with complete septa bridging portal to portal tracts
4: Incomplete (focal) or complete cirrhosis
Activated Kupffer cells0: No activated Kupffer cells
1: Activated Kupffer cells
Eosinophilic globuli0: No eosinophilic globuli
1: 1%-5% of all hepatocytes
2: > 5%
Small vacuolar transformation of the cytoplasm0: No small vacuolar transformation of the cytoplasm
1: 1%-30% of all the hepatocytes
2: > 30%
Table 2 Blood levels of ALT, AST and AP in rats after liver transplantation with and without G-CSF treatment
24 h
1 wk
12 wk
ALT (u/L)616 ± 1941418 ± 731192 ± 49148 ± 8192 ± 8449 ± 24
AST (u/L)344 ± 204204 ± 4896 ± 8159 ± 2835 ± 1524 ± 13
AP (u/L)141 ± 222455 ± 992453 ± 147449 ± 418473 ± 543221 ± 68
Table 3 Signs of a hypercoaguable state after G-CSF treatment in healthy volunteers and in patients with G-CSF producing tumors
AuthornObservations after G-CSF administration or in patients with G-CSF producing tumors
Topcuoglu et al, 2004[9]18Stimulation of thrombotic factors and increased endothelial markers, such as FVIII and vWF
No clinical silent microembolism detected by transcranial Doppler
Sohngen et al, 1998[13]25Hypercoaguable state
LeBlanc et al, 1999[10]22Increased levels of FVIIIC and thrombin
Reduced platelet aggregation.
Kuroiwa et al, 1996[12]10Significant increase of platelet aggregation induced by ADP or collagen, thromboxane B2 level and amount of thrombin-antithrombin III complex.
Canales et al, 2002[32]20Significant increase in F1 + 2 and D-dimer
Significant decrease of antithrombin and protein C activity
Significant increase of vWF
Slightly significant decrease of angiotensin converting enzyme
Suzuki et al, 1992[33]14Thrombocytosis