Copyright ©The Author(s) 2015.
World J Pharmacol. Mar 9, 2015; 4(1): 117-143
Published online Mar 9, 2015. doi: 10.5497/wjp.v4.i1.117
Table 2 Results of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials involving new antiparkinsonian drugs
DrugStudy objectiveOutcomesAdverse eventsRef.
IstradefyllineEvaluated the efficacy and safety of istradefylline, 20 and 40 mg once daily as adjunctive to L-dopa in patients with motor complications (12 wk)↓ daily change in "off" time vs placebo↑ dyskinesia[203]
IstradefyllineEvaluated the efficacy and safety of istradefylline, 10, 20 and 40 mg once daily as adjunctive to L-dopa in patients with motor complications (12 wk)No effect on "off" time duration Improved motor scores at 40 mg-[199]
IstradefyllineEvaluated the efficacy of istradefylline at an oral dose of 20 and 40 mg once daily for 12 wk in PD patients with motor complications on levodopa therapy↓ "off" time vs placebo↑ dyskinesia[204]
IstradefyllineEvaluated the safety and efficacy of istradefylline 40 mg, as monotherapy in patients with PDNo significant effect in improving motor symptoms-[198]
IstradefyllineTo evaluate efficacy, safety, and tolerability of istradefylline 20 mg once daily vs placebo as an adjunct to levodopa in PD subjects with motor fluctuations↓ "off" timeDyskinesia, lightheadedness, tremor, constipation, and weight decrease[201]
IstradefyllineTo evaluate safety and efficacy of istradefylline 20 or 60 mg/d in L-dopa-treated PD subjects with motor complications↓ "off" time without an increase in “on” timeDyskinesia, nausea, dizziness, and hallucinations[200]
IstradefyllineTo evaluate safety and efficacy of istradefylline 40 mg/d in L-dopa-treated PD subjects with prominent wearing-off motor fluctuations↓ "off" time without increased troublesome dyskinesia-[202]
IstradefyllineTo evaluate safety and efficacy of istradefylline 20 or 40 mg/d in patients with L-dopa-motor fluctuations and peak-dose dyskinesias↓ "off" timeSeverity of dyskinesia was unchanged, but "on" time with dyskinesia increased[205]
PreladenantTo evaluate efficacy of using preladenant 5 mg twice a day as a levodopa adjunct in subjects with fluctuating PD↓ "off" time ↑ "on" time throughout the 36-wk treatment relative to the baselineDyskinesia and constipation[209]
PreladenantTo evaluate safety of single and multiple rising preladenant doses compared with placeboPreladenant was generally well tolerated up to the maximum dose tested (200 mg/d)Transient mild increases in blood pressure within a few hours after preladenant administration[207]
PreladenantTo evaluate efficacy and safety of 1, 2, 5, or 10 mg oral preladenant twice daily in patients with PD and motor fluctuations on L-dopa5 and 10 mg preladenant ↓ "off" timeWorsening of PD, dyskinesia, nausea, constipation, and insomnia[208]
SafinamideTo evaluate efficacy and safety of safinamide 50 or 100 mg/d, as add-on to L-dopa in the treatment of PD patients with motor fluctuations↑ total on time with no or nontroublesome dyskinesia, ↓ decreased off time, without worsening dyskinesia-[216]
SafinamideTo evaluate efficacy of safinamide 100 or 200 mg/d as add-on treatment to single dopaminergic receptor agonist single in early PDSafinamide 100 mg/d may be effective as add-on treatment-[215]
SafinamideTo evaluate efficacy and safety of once-daily 100 or 200 mg safinamide in patients with early PD receiving a stable dose of a single dopaminergic receptor agonistSafinamide 100 mg/d improved motor symptoms (UPDRS part III total score)-[214]
ZonisamideTo evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of daily doses of 25, 50, and 100 mg of zonisamide as an adjunctive treatment in PDZonisamide 25 and 50 mg/d improved motor symptoms (UPDRS part III total score) Zonisamide 50 and 100 mg ↓ "off" time without ↑ dyskinesia-[221]
IsradipineTo establish a tolerable and efficacious dosage of isradipine controlled-release in subjects with early PD not requiring dopaminergic therapyThe tolerability of 5, 10, or 20 mg of isradipine was dose dependent No difference in change in UPDRS among dosagesPeripheral oedema and dizziness[295]
IsradipineTo evaluate safety and tolerability of isradipine controlled release in patients with early PDTolerability of isradipine CR 5, 10, 15, or 20 mg was dose dependent Isradipine had no significant effect on blood pressure or PD motor disabilityLeg oedema and dizziness[294]