Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Clin Pediatr. Oct 25, 2018; 7(4): 89-104
Published online Oct 25, 2018. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i4.89
Table 4 Case reports with perianal infectious dermatitis: Therapy and follow-up of patients
Name, yr, countryCase age, sexTherapy of PID and resultsFollow-up of PID
Hirschfeld, 1970, United States[59]1-2. 6 yr, F and 3 yr brotherOral Pen
3-4. 5 yr and 3 yr brothers (unrelated family)
Farmer, 1987, United Kingdom[65]1. 4 yr, M1. Oral Pen: prompt and complete recovery
2. 5 yr, F2. Oral Pen, 1 wk: asymptomatic
Rehder, 1998, United States[61]1. 3 yr, M1. Oral Pen, 2 wk1. 2 wk later, erythema and GAS positive: erythromycin, for 1 mo; no recurrence (including culture)
2. 3 yr, M2. Oral Pen, 2 wk2. No recurrence (including cultures)
3. 4 yr, M3. Oral Pen, 3 wk3. Perianal cultures positive after 2 and 3 wk: erythromycin, 10 d: negative culture
4. 1 yr, F4. Oral Pen, 3 wk: both conditions cleared4. All negative
Honig, 1988, United States[62]4; 15 mo, 6, 8 and 12 yr; 3 MOral Pen, 10 d; PID cleared in 3 cases within 10-14 dThe 4th case with PID history of 2 Y: 10 d of erythromycin, cleared PID and negative culture; psoriasis cleared 14-35 d after institution of therapy
Marks, 1988, United States[63]5 yr, MOral Pen, 14 d; rash progressively healed (completely in 17 d)
Duhra, 1990, UK[29]5 yr, MOral Pen, 3 wk: clearance of penile lesion (2 wk), but not perianal, also with positive GASOther 2 wk of oral Pen cleared PID and GAS
Goodyear, 1991, United Kingdom[30]4 yr, MOral Pen, 10 d; completely resolved in 2 wkFollow up 2 mo later: clinically well
Medina, 1992, Spain,[31]4 Y, MTopical mupirocin, 10 d: Completely resolvedNegative cultures 1 wk and 1 mo later
Montemarano, 1993, United States[32]3 Y, MOral erythromycin, 10 d: Rapid cure
Guppy, 1993, Australia[33]1. 7 yr, M1. Oral Pen, 10 d1. After stopping Pen, rectal bleeding: Cefaclor, 10 d, no recurrence
2-3. His 2 brothers, 5 and 2.5 yr2. Oral Pen, 10 d2. No recurrence
3. Oral Pen, 10 d, initially improved3. 3 mo later: Persistent perianal infection: erythromycin
4. 4 yr, M4. Oral Pen, 2 wk, incomplete resolution4. Erythromycin, 4 wk: Complete resolution
Paradisi M, 1993, Italy[34]3 yr, MTopical erythromycin, 15 d: Complete clinical and bacteriologic resolutionNo recurrence
van Zeijl, 1996, Netherlands[36]4; 3 M (1, 6 and 8 yr, the last 2 brothers); 1 F (2 yr)Oral Pen, 10 d ± mupirocin or fucidin Oral amoxicillin + fucidin
Saxen, 1997, Finland[37]1. 3 yr, M1. Oral Pen, 10 d: clearance within 2 d1. 1 wk after stopping Pen: PID recurrence, with GAS positive; oral cephalexin: good results
Berlin, 1997, United States[38]3 yr, MIV antibiotics (not mentioned)Symptoms resolved entirely after 2 wk
Bugatti, 1998, Italy[39]12 yr, MAmoxicillin, 10 d: Rapid resolution of symptoms
Adams, 1999, Canada[40]1 yr, MOral Pen and topical mupirocin, 10 d
Roos, 1999, Sweden[41]5 yr, MCefadroxil plus topical fucidin, 10 dNo recurrence
Velez, 1999, Spain[42]2 yr, MCefaclor, 10 ds: complete healing2 wk after therapy: Acral (hands and feet) scarlatiniform desquamation
Herbst, 2000, Germany[9]4 yr, M,Oral Pen and topical fucidin, 2 wk: Complete healing (including culture)
Brilliant, 2000, United States[43]1. 4 yr, M1. Oral amoxicillin, dramatic improvement 1 d
2-3. 2 mo and 30 mo2-3. Same effective therapy
4. 4 yr, F4. Same effective therapy
Balasubramanian, 2000, India[44]1. 13 mo, MOral Pen, 10 d; symptoms clearance in 3 d
2.11 mo, M
3. 13 mo, F
Heidelberger, Germany, 2000[45]1. 6 yr, M1: Oral Pen, 10 d
2. 9 yr, M2. Same plus topical clioquinol; in both cases, all lesions disappeared
Nowicki, 2000, United States[46]7 yr, MOral Pen: Symptoms and signs disappeared1 wk following Pen, peeling from his fingers tip (toes not involved)
Soulliet, 2000, France[13]7 yr, FAmoxicillin, 10 d; perianal lesions cleared by day 2
Lunghi, 2001, Italy[47]Brother (4 yr) and sister (6 yr)IM Pen, 4 wk, plus local mupirocinComplete resolution (with negative culture) within 4 wk; no relapse in 4 mo
Huang, 2003, Taiwan[49]6 yr, MOral Pen and topical mupirocin, 14 d: clinical healing after 4 dAfter starting Pen: desquamation of fingers and perioral skin
Reimer, 2004, Sweden[50]1. 4 yr, MOral Pen in all cases: quickly healed
2. 6 yr, M
3. 4 yr, F
Takeshita, 2006, Japan[51]1. 2 yr, FOral antibiotics: rapid resolution of the condition
2. 6 mo, M
Usuki, 2006, Japan[52]5 yr, FOral and topical antibiotics
Ulger, 2007, Turkey[53]3 yr, MOral Pen, 2 wk; topical corticosteroids for GP; all lesions healedNo recurrence
Greisser, 2008, Swiss[54]7 yr, MOral amoxicillin, 6 d: Rapid improvementNo recurrence
Ledoux, 2009, France[55]4 yr, MJosamycin 1 mo and desonide for GP: All symptoms subsidedNo relapse in 6 mo
Rasi, 2009, Iran[56]4 yr, MOral amoxicillin, 10 d: Clinical response within 3 d, healed in 3 wk; GAS negative after 3 wkNo improvement of psoriatic lesions
Block, 2013, United States[57]1. 2 mo, FAmoxicillin, 10 d, in both patientsNo recurrence in both cases
2. 4 mo, F
Theotokatou, 2014, Greece[58]1. 8 yr, MOral cefuroxime and topical mupirocin for both brothers: effective by day 4
2. 10 yr, M, brother
Zhang 2016, Canada[3]1. 4 yr, M1. Oral cefuroxime, 7 d plus topical fucidin1. 3 mo later: Throat and anus GAS negative; PID cleared
2. 4 yr, M2. Oral cefuroxime, 7 d plus betamethasone for GP2. 2 wk later, perianal GBS positive: topical Fucidin; 3 mo later: GBS negative and cleared GP
3. 3 yr, F3. Oral cefuroxime, 7 d plus topical fucidin; persistent erythema and discharge3. Vulvar culture: GCS and GBS, perianal culture: GCS; culture from vaginal introitus: positive GAS: oral amoxicillin, 10 d
Garritsen, 2017, Netherlands[60]19 mo, MOral Pen plus mometasone for GP; 4 wk: PID and GP significantly improved
Serban, present study, Romania1. 9 yr 4 mo, M1. Spiramycin and topical mupirocin, 2 wk: improvement after 2 d; perianal culture negative on day 7; completely healed after 12 d1. No recurrence after 2 yr
2. 9 yr 6 mo, M2. Spiramycin, 2 wk: improvement since day 2; negative perianal culture on day 7; completely healed after 1 wk2. No recurrence after 7 mo
3. 11 yr 9 mo, M3. Spiramycin and topical bacitracin plus neomycin, 3 wk: improvement after 5 d; negative perianal culture on day 7; healed completely after 2 wk3. No recurrence after 2 mo