Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Clin Pediatr. Oct 25, 2018; 7(4): 89-104
Published online Oct 25, 2018. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v7.i4.89
Table 3 Case reports with perianal infectious dermatitis: Clinical and bacteriological patient characteristics
Name, yr, countryCase age, sexSymptoms/signs1; symptom durationEtiology of PIDOther findings2
Hirschfeld, 1970, United States[59]1-2. 6 yr, F and 3 yr brother1-2. Painful defecation; several daysGAS (culture)1-2. Both had sore throats 2 wk prior
3-4. 5 yr and 3 yr brothers (unrelated family)3-4. Same history and symptoms3-4. Throat GAS positive (1 case)
Farmer, 1987, United Kingdom[65]1. 4 yr, M1. White anal discharge, perianal pustules; 3 wkGAS (culture)
2. 5 yr, F2. Perianal itching, pain on defecation, dysuria; vulva affected; 3 wk
Rehder, 1998, United States[61]1. 3 yr, M1. Rectal irritation; 6 moGAS (culture)1. Sibling, 6 yr: GAS pharyngitis recently
2. 3 yr, M2. Perianal pain and itching; 5 wk2. Patient: throat GAS positive; sibling with recent sore throat
3. 4 yr, M3. Perirectal pain; 6 wk3. Identical GAS from anus and throat
4. 1 yr, F4. GP; 3 wk
Honig, 1988, United States[62]4; 15 mo, 6, 8 and 12 yr; 3 MAnal pruritus, bloody anal discharge; GP: 2 cases, appeared 9 mo after onset of PID; 1 M with PID history of 2 yrGAS (culture)
Marks, 1988, United States[63]5 yr, MPerianal irritation and pruritus, bloody discharge; 2 wkGAS (culture)
Guerrero - Vázquez 1989, Spain[64]2 casesPerianal irritation in both; seropurulent anal and balano-preputial discharge in 1 caseGAS (culture)
Duhra, 1990, United Kingdom[29]5 yr, MPainful defecation, micturition, bloody stool; penile erythema swelling; 4 wkGAS (culture)GAS positive from penile skin; members of patient's family: severe sore throat recently
Goodyear, 1991, United Kingdom[30]4 yr, MPainful defecation, blood-streaked liquid stool; fecal incontinence; 6 wkGAS (culture)
Medina, 1992, Spain,[31]4 yr, MPerianal pruritus and bleeding; 3 moGAS (culture)
Montemarano, 1993, United States[32]3 yr, MPainful perianal area, satellite pustules; 2 moS. aureus (culture)S. aureus positive in anterior nares and satellite pustule
Guppy, 1993, Australia[33]1. 7 yr, M1. Perianal excoriation; 8 wkGAS (culture)The three siblings bathing together
2-3. His 2 brothers, 5 and 2.5 yr2-3. Similar history
4. 4 yr, M4. Typical PID; penis lesions later; 4 wk
Paradisi, 1993, Italy[34]3 yr, MPerianal itching; 2 moGAS (culture)
Paradisi, 1994, Italy[35]1. 3 yr, F 2. 5 ½ yr, M, brotherPainful defecation, perianal itching, rectal bleeding, constipationGAS
van Zeijl, 1996, Netherlands[36]4; 3 M (1, 6 and 8 yr, the last 2 brothers); 1 F (2 yr)Constipation, painful defecation, diarrheaGAS (culture)Brothers shared same toilet
Saxen, 1997, Finland[37]1. 3 yr, M1. Itchy anus and bloody stool; 1 wGAS (T28)
2-3. Other cases2. Same symptoms2. Throat GAS positive, identical (T28)
Berlin, 1997, United States[38]3 yr, MConstipation, myositisGAS (culture)His mother had sore throat GAS positive
Bugatti, 1998, Italy[39]12 yr, MPerianal discharge, 1 moGAS (culture)
Adams, 1999, Canada[40]1 yr, MTypical PIDGAS (culture)
Roos, 1999, Sweden[41]5 yr, MAnal pruritusGAS T28 (culture)Case: throat GAS negative; mother: GAS tonsillitis positive; anal and throat GAS identical
Velez, 1999, Spain[42]2 yr, MFever 39-40 °C, erythema: perianal, genitalia and proximal thighsGAS (culture)Throat negative
Herbst, 2000, Germany[9]4 yr, MGP; 6 w history; PID discovered at physical examGAS (culture)Patient and family members: Negative GAS throat
Brilliant, 2000, United States[43]1. 4 yr, M1. Rectal itching and pain, scant mucoid dischargeGAS (RADT + culture)
2-3. 2 mo and 30 mo2-3. Several days later with similar symptoms2-3. Siblings of case 1
4. 4 yr, F4. Plus vulvitis4. Neighbor of the 3 cases
Balasubramanian, 2000, India[44]1. 13 mo, M1. Fever, painful defecation, anal pruritus; 2 dGAS (culture)
2. 11 mo, M2-3. Fever, painful defecation
3. 13 mo, F
Heidelberger, Germany, 2000[45]1. 6 yr, M1. Anal itching and burning; 3 moGAS (culture)
2. 9 yr, M2. Balanitis and impetigo
Nowicki, 2000, United States[46]7 yr, MPerianal itching, painful defecation; 10 dGAS (culture)Throat GAS negative
Soulliet, 2000, France[13]7 yr, FVulvar erythema, perirectal pain, painful defecation, constipation; perioral impetigo; 3 wkGAS (culture)Perioral GAS positive
Lunghi, 2001, Italy[47]Brother (4 yr) and sister (6 yr)1 also vulvo-vaginitis; 4 moGAS (culture)Throat GAS positive in both patients
Romano, 2002, Italy[48]12 yr, MPID and GPGAS
Huang, 2003, Taiwan[49]6 yr, MPerianal itching, painful defecation, scant mucoid dischargeGAS (culture)Throat GAS positive
Reimer, 2004, Sweden[50]1. 4 yr, M1. Perianal discomfort1. GAS (RADT)
2. 6 yr, M2. Purulent discharge plus balanitis2. GAS2. Penis culture GAS positive; father treated for GAS pharyngitis; brother, 4 yr with GAS PID and brother 2 yr with GAS pharyngitis
3. 4 yr, F3. Perianal pain, vulvar erythema and pain3. GAS
Takeshita, 2006, Japan[51]1. 2 yr, F1. PID; 2 wkGAS (culture)
2. 6 mo, M2. PID; 1 wk
Usuki, 2006, Japan[52]5 yr, FPIDGAS (RADT)4 d later: Father with symptoms of PID and GAS positive
Ulger, 2007, Turkey[53]3 yr, MPain on defecation, anal pruritus; 8 d; GP: 2 dGAS (culture)Sore throat 2 wk before; no culture, no therapy needed
Greisser, 2008, Swiss[54]7 yr, MPerianal pain and pruritus, yellow discharge; 3 dGAS (RADT + culture)Throat GAS negative
Lehman, 2009, United Kingdom[7]3 yr, FItchy bottom and painful defecation; 2 wkGAS (culture)
Ledoux, 2009, France[55]4 yr, MPID for 2 wk; lesions of GP since second weekGAS (culture)
Rasi, 2009, Iran[56]4 yr, MRectal itching and burning, pain on defecation; plaque type psoriasis; 3 moGAS (RADT)
Block, 2013, United States[57]1. 2 mo, F1. PID and vulvar erythemaGAS1. 8 yr sibling: previous GAS pharyngitis
2. 4 mo, F2. Blood in diaper
Theotokatou, 2014, Greece[58]1. 8 yr, M1. Perianal itching, constipation, blood-streaked stool; 3 wkEnterococcus faecalis (culture) in both)
2. 10 yr, M, brother2. Perianal itching and mucous discharge (2 wk after onset of symptoms of his brother)
Zhang 2016, Canada[3]1. 4 yr, M1. Painful defecation, GP, penile erythema1. GAS and S. aureus1. Throat GAS positive
2. 4 yr, M2. Painful defecation, GP2. GBS2. Throat culture negative
3. 3 yr, F3. Perivulvar erythema, small amount of greenish-yellowish vaginal discharge3. GCS3. Throat culture negative; vulvar culture few GCS and scant S. aureus
Garritsen, 2017, Netherlands[60]19 mo, MPID and 1 wk later: GPGAS
Serban, present study, Romania1. 9 yr 4 mo, M1. Perianal pain and pruritus, anal mucous and bloody discharge, painful defecation; 6 wk1. GBS and S. aureus (culture)1. Throat GAS, GBS and S. aureus negative
2. 9 yr 6 mo, M2. Anal pruritus, painful defecation, anal mucous and bloody discharge2. GAS (culture)2. Throat GAS positive
3. 11 yr 9 mo, M3. Anal pruritus, mucous and bloody discharge, painful defecation, constipation3. GAS (culture)3. Throat GAS negative