Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Clin Pediatr. Sep 9, 2021; 10(5): 93-105
Published online Sep 9, 2021. doi: 10.5409/wjcp.v10.i5.93
Table 3 Internet usage to access medical information regarding the residence of the family (n = 202), n (%)

Rural residence, n = 97
Urban residence, n = 105
P value
Previous medical information searching on Internet
Yes65 (67)91 (86.7)156 (77.2)0.0009
No32 (33)14 (13.3)46 (22.8)
Internet usage in 24 h prior to admission
Yes40 (41.2)45 (42.9)85 (42.1)0.81
No57 (58.8)60 (57.1)117 (57.9)
Which family member searched on Internet mostly?
Mother68 (70.4)81 (76.7)149 (73.8)0.25
Father29 (29.6)24 (23.3)53 (26.2)
Search engines used
Google80 (82.5)93 (88.6)173 (85.6)0.0078
Wikipedia12 (12.4)25 (23.8)37 (18.3)
Other12 (12.4)3 (2.9)15 (7.4)
Do you trust the websites in terms of validity?
Yes53 (54.6)49 (46.7)102 (50.5)0.26
No44 (45.4)56 (53.3)100 (49.5)
Were the health information comprehensive?
Yes75 (77.3)71 (67.6)146 (72.3)0.12
No22 (22.7)34 (32.4)56 (27.7)
Level of satisfaction with the medical information
High21 (21.6)25 (23.8)46 (22.8)0.12
Medium70 (72.2)56 (53.3)126 (62.4)
Low6 (6.2)24 (22.9)30 (14.9)