Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Anesthesiol. Mar 27, 2018; 7(1): 1-9
Published online Mar 27, 2018. doi: 10.5313/wja.v7.i1.1
Table 2 Patient characteristics n (%)
Mean ± SDMean ± SDP value
Age55 ± 1457 ± 140.2435
Height (m)1.71 ± 0.111.69 ± 0.110.0658
Weight (kg)108 ± 3097 ± 260.00011
BMI37 ± 1034 ± 90.00141
ASA Status2.67 ± 0.622.73 ± 0.670.3145
Composite Airway Score4.83 ± 1.214.79 ± 1.220.7711
Count (%)Count (%)
Female105 (51)139 (55)
Male101 (49)116 (45)
Mallampati score0.04811
15 (2)6 (2)
289 (43)85 (33)
3112 (54)164 (64)
Interincisor gap0.9033
> 4 cm142 (69)180 (71)
< 4 cm63 (31)73 (29)
Cannot open mouth0 (0)2 (1)
Neck range of motion0.00841
> 90°149 (73)152 (60)
90°37 (18)69 (27)
< 90°19 (9)34 (13)
Ability to prognath0.3058
Can prognath157 (77)187 (73)
Can approximate teeth46 (22)62 (24)
Cannot approximate teeth2 (1)6 (3)
Thyromental distance (cm)0.6811
> 6.560 (29)69 (27)
6.0 – 6.5128 (62)162 (64)
< 6.018 (8)24 (9)
Known previous difficult intubation0.1740
None162 (79)213 (84)
Questionable24 (12)26 (10)
Definite19 (9)16 (6)
Surgery type0.00851
General64 (31)55 (22)
Gynecologic24 (12)27 (11)
Neurosurgery20 (10)56 (22)
Orthopedic15 (7)16 (6)
Other37 (18)47 (19)
Spine38 (18)36 (14)
Vascular8 (4)16 (6)