Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Orthop. Jun 18, 2017; 8(6): 491-506
Published online Jun 18, 2017. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v8.i6.491
Table 3 Studies evaluating concentrated bone marrow aspirate in the treatment of osteoarthritis
Ref.TissueBMAC preparationConcen-trationStudy design/methods/follow upOutcomes measuredResultsLOE
Centeno et al[20]Knee60 mL of BMA from iliac crest was obtained toproduce 1-3 mL of BMAC. 60 cc of heparinized IV venous blood drawn to be used for isolating PRP and platelet lysate. Lipoaspirate - miniliposuction of the posterior superior buttocks or lateral thigh was performed under ultrasound and minimally processed (centrifuged) adipose tissue was injected into the articular space. Preparations were injected into the articular space of the knee together (5-10 cc) between the meniscus on the most painful side and over lying collateral ligamentNSData from registry. (1) n = 616 - BMAC+ PRP vs (2) BMAC + PRP + adipose graft. Outcomes and complication questionnaires at 1, 3, 6, 12 mo completed. 2 groups (A-BMAC and PRP protocol, B BMAC and PRP plus adipose fate graft (lipoaspirate)LEFS, NPS, subjective percentage improvement rating, frequency and type of adverse eventsMean LEFS score increased in both groups and mean NPS decreased in both groups. AE rates were 6% without graft and 8.9% with graft. No difference between groups. Addition of adipose graft did not provide a detectible benefit over BMAC aloneIV
Centeno et al[21]Knee10-15 cc whole bone marrow aspirate harvested from 6-8 sites on posterior iliac crest (3-4 each side). Centrifuged and cells isolated. Patient heparinized blood for PRP and PL. Aspirates mixed together and injected into joint. Cell counts were counted four times and average was taken under microscope for total nucleated cell countLower and higher cell count groups defined using threshold of 4 × 104 cellsData from registry. n = 373 patients that received BMAC combined with PRP and PL injections for 424 OA kneesClinical scales assessed at baseline, 1, 3, 6, 12 and annually thereafter. NPS, LEFS, pain and functional outcome measuresSignificant positive results with treatment for all pain and functional metrics. Higher cell group reported lower post treatment numeric pain scale values (P < 0.001). No significant difference detected for other metricsIV
Haleem et al[22]Femoral condyle20 mL BMA from iliac crest isolated with density gradient (Ficoll-Paque), supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and penicillin streptomycin. Microfracture performed and sclerotic bone curetted. Autologous periosteal flap harvested from anteromedial ispilateral proximal tibia to fit defect size and stuffed into place. 1 mL platelet concentrate and 1 mL fibrinogen and 1 mL thrombin placed with BMAC PR fibrin glueNSn = 5, treated with BMAC + PRFAt 6 and 12 mo: Lysholm and Revised HHS Knee Score, XR and MRI. 2 patients had follow up arthroscopy at 12 mo rated by ICRSAll patients had statistically significant improvement at 6 and 12 mo (P < 0.005). No statistically significant difference between 6 and 12 mo post op in clinical scores. ICRS were near normal for 2 patients who consented to arthroscopy. MRI of 3 patients at 12 mo showed complete defect filling and complete surface congruity with native cartilage. Two patients showed incomplete congruity. BMAC on platelet rich fibrin gel as a scaffold may be effective to promote repair of articular cartilage defectsIV
Koh et al[23]Knee60 mL BMA from Iliac crest processed with MarrowStim Concentration Kit (Biomet) to obtain 3-4 mL of BMAC. Adipose tissue harvested from buttocks through liposuction. All fluid removed from knee arthroscopically. Lesion filled with cell suspension and held stationary for 10 minutes with defect facing upwards. Adherence of MSC confirmed. No marrow stimulation procedures were performedAverage of 3.8 × 106 (2.5-6.1 × 106)n = 37 knees using second-look arthroscopy after mesenchymal stem cell implantation for cartilage lesions done 12 mo post opIKDC, Tegner, cartilage repair assessed using ICRS gradingIKDC and Tegner sores significantly improved (P < 0.001). ICRS overall repair grades 2/37 were normal, 7/37 were near normal, 20/37 abnormal, 8/37 severely abnormal.). Patient satisfaction: 33/34 reported good to excellent satisfaction. High BMI (> 27.5) and large lesion (> 5.4 cm2) had significant prediction of poor clinical and arthroscopic outcomes (P < 0.05)IV
Shapiro et al[24]Knee52 mL BMA from iliac crest concentrated in Arteriocyte Magellan Autologous Platelet Separator System centrifuge to yield 6 mL of cellular productNSn = 25 BMAC, n = 25 saline (patients had bilateral knee pain)OARSI measure, VAS score, safety outcomes, pain relief, functionOARSI and VAS decreased significantly from baseline at 1wk, 3 mo, 6 mo (P < 0.019), no difference in pain reliefII