Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2021.
World J Gastrointest Pharmacol Ther. May 5, 2021; 12(3): 40-55
Published online May 5, 2021. doi: 10.4292/wjgpt.v12.i3.40
Table 3 Main outcomes related to drug-induced liver injury in Brazilian studies
Ref.DILI outcomesMedications
Santos et al[23], 20196 Cases were resolved after the suspension of medicationsTuberculostatic
Magalhães[26], 201521 Cases were resolved after the suspension of the substance, but without the use of medications; 9 cases were resolved with the suspension of the substance associated with medications; 1 case with acute hepatic failure, requiring liver transplantationIsoniazid, valproic acid, amitriptyline, cyclosporine, clozapine, dasatinib, imatinib, ACO, simvastatin, melphalan, and others
Antonello et al[55], 2014There was no need to suspend or change the treatmentARV
Kondo et al[49], 20087/157 Patients (4.4%) were hospitalized and, after discontinuation of Nevirapine, all presented clinical and laboratory improvementNevirapine
Brito et al[64], 2014Changed therapeutic regimen in all who developed DILI 15/245 (6.1%)RHZ
Lima Mde et al[65], 2012Drug maintenance 26/156 (16.6%), temporary interruption 12/156 (7.7%), treatment change 11/156 (7%), suspension of medications TB 7/156 (4.5%)RHZ, RHZE
Coca et al[73], 2010Medication suspended in 7/30 (23.3%) HIV and 15/132 (11.4%) non-HIVRHZ
Vieira et al[79], 2008There was a need to modify the treatment regimen in 11/24 (45%) of the patientsRHZ
Picon et al[66], 2002RHZ: 45 cases changed treatment; SHM: 1 case changed treatmentRHZ, SHM
Gusmão Filho et al[43], 20013/52 (5.76%) Required replacement of the medication. In 16/52 (30.7%) there was no need for intervention and in other 13/52 (25%) only the doses of Isoniazid and Rifampicin were changedRHZ, RHE
de-Medeiros et al[75], 1998Medication was suspended and 1/37 (2%) patient was excluded from the RCTTretinoin
Alves et al[59], 2011Medication doses were temporarily reducedMTX
Prado et al[27], 2019The culprit drug was discontinued, and drug therapy was not necessary to resolve the problem in 3 patientsNimesulide, budesonide, valacyclovir
Werner et al[61], 1989There was clinical and laboratory Improvement with the suspension of the medication in 4/389 (1%) and 1/389 (0.25%) evolved to chronic hepatitisMethimazole, Propylthiouracil