Copyright ©2012 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Radiol. Aug 28, 2012; 4(8): 345-352
Published online Aug 28, 2012. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v4.i8.345
Table 6 Distal bile duct tumors (American Joint Commission on Cancer staging 7th edition)
TumorTNM classification
T1Tumor confined to bile duct histologically
T2Tumor beyond the wall of bile duct
T3Tumor invades liver, GB, pancreas, but no involvement of celiac axis, or the superior mesenteric artery
T4Tumor involves the celiac axis, or the superior mesenteric artery
N0No regional lymph node metastasis
N1Regional lymph node metastasis (including hilar, celiac, superior mesenteric, periduodenal and peripancreatic)
M0No distant metastasis
M1Distant metastasis
Tumor stageAJCC staging 6th edition
Stage IAT1, N0, M0
Stage IBT2, N0, M0
Stage IIAT3, N0, M0
Stage IIBT1 or T2 or T3, N1, M0
Stage IIIT4, any N, M0
Stage IVAny T, any N, M1