Original Article
Copyright ©2014 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Cardiol. Apr 26, 2014; 6(4): 196-204
Published online Apr 26, 2014. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v6.i4.196
Table 1 Patients' characteristics
Case/gender/ageClinical presentationRest ECGRisk factorsETTMIBI scanCADManagementCAG 1classificationMSCT
1/F/45AP, DOESR-InconclusiveNANoneCMMR-IIPNA
2/M/56DOESR+PositiveNAIntermediate lesionCMMR-IOverestimation of the Cx-lesion
RDIschemia ILFFR 0.93
5/M/63Effort APSR+PositiveNASignificantPCIL-IIANA
Negative T
Inferior leads
6/F/43ACP, fainting and pre- syncopeSR+InconclusivePositive 13N-adenosine PET-CT: normalNoneCABGL-IIBCourse: between aorta and pulmonary artery
7/M/48AP, syncopeSR+NegativeNegativeNoneCMML-INA
NSVT (5 beats)Ergonovine test:
No spasm
8/F/53DOE, palpitationSR+NAPositiveIntermediate lesionCMMR-IIANA
NSVT (20 beats)
9/M/46AP, palpitationSR-NANANoneCMMR-IIANA
10/M/63APSR+PositiveNASignificantCABGL-IIBCourse: between aorta and pulmonary artery
13/F/53CP syncopeSR-NegativeNegativeNoneCABGL-IIBCourse: between aorta and pulmonary artery
14/M/72DOESR+NANAIntermediate lesionCABGL-IIBCourse: between aorta and pulmonary artery
15/M/41ACPSR+NegativeNegativeNoneCMML-IIABenign course
Table 2 Clinical-significance-based classification of coronary artery anomalies by Rigatelli et al[19,20]
ClassSubtypesClinical significanceCurrent series
AE.g., ectopic origin of Cx from RSV1Benign natural history, asymptomatic careful follow-up with conservative medical management or percutaneous interventionPatients: none1
BEctopic origin of Cx from the RCARelevant, related to myocardial ischemiaPatients: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15
R-I, R-II, R-III anterior/posterior course2Careful follow-up with conservative medical management or percutaneous intervention
CL-I, L-II, L-III anterior/posterior course2Severe, potentially related to sudden cardiac death
R-I, R-II, R-III between/interseptal course2Requires surgical treatmentPatients: 6, 10, 13, 14
DL-I, L-II, L-III between/interseptal course2Critical, class B or C with superimposed coronary artery atherosclerotic diseasePatients: 4, 5, 11
B or C subgroups with concomitant coronary atherosclerosisRequires urgent percutaneous management or surgical treatment