Copyright ©The Author(s) 2016.
World J Cardiol. Feb 26, 2016; 8(2): 201-210
Published online Feb 26, 2016. doi: 10.4330/wjc.v8.i2.201
Table 2 Target-level strategies
StrategyEAS/ESC 2011CCS 2012IAS 2013NLA 2014AACE 2012
Risk scoreSCORE chart to estimate 10-yr risk of fatal CVDModified FRS to estimate 10-yr risk of non-fatal and fatal CVDLifetime FRS to estimate lifetime risk of non-fatal and fatal CVDPCE or FRS or lifetime FRSFRS to determine 10-yr risk of non-fatal and fatal CVD
Step 1: Stratify CVD riskVery-high: ≥ 10% of fatal CVD risk; CHD equivalent risk; DM with microalbuminuria; CKD st. III High: 5%-9% of fatal CVD risk; DM; 1 markedly abnormal risk factor Moderate: 1%-4% of fatal CVD risk Low: < 1% of fatal CVD riskHigh: ≥ 20% risk of CVD; CHD risk equivalent; DM, age > 40 or > 30 with 15 yr DM history; CKD st. IIIb or IIIa with microalbuminuria; HTN with ≥ 3 CVD risk factors Intermediate: 10%-19% risk of CVD Low: < 10% risk of CVD (CVD risk factor: age > 55, smoker, TC/HDL-C > 6, LVH, abnormal ECG, microalbuminuria)High: ≥ 45% lifetime risk of CVD; DM with major risk factor; Familial hyperlipidemia; CKD Moderately-high: 30%-44% lifetime risk of CVD; DM alone; Metabolic syndrome; CKD Moderate: 15%-29% lifetime risk of CVD Low: < 15% lifetime risk of CVD [Major risk factor: high LDL-C, HDL-C < 40, HTN, smoker, family history of premature CAD, age (men > 55, women > 65)]Very-high: CHD risk equivalent; DM with ≥ 2 major risk factors or evidence of end organ damage High: DM with 0-1 major risk factor; CKD st. IIIb; LDL-C ≥ 190; ≥ 3 major risk factors; ≥ 1 secondary risk (marked major CVD risk, LDL-C > 160 or non-HDL-C > 190, CAC > 300, hsCRP > 2, Lp(a) > 50, microalbuminuria); High risk score (PCE > 15%, FRS > 10%, lifetime FRS > 45%) Intermediate: 2 major risk factors Low: 0-1 risk factorVery-high: CHD risk equivalent + ≥ 1 major risk factor High: CAD risk equivalent; ≥ 2 major risk factor + ≥ 20% risk of CVD Moderately-high: ≥ 2 major risk factor + 10%-19% risk of CVD Moderate: ≥ 2 major risk factor + < 10% risk of CVD Low: ≥ 1 major risk factor
Step 2: Determine targetVery-high: LDL-C < 70; Alt: ApoB < 80, non-HDL-C < 100 High: LDL-C < 100; Alt: ApoB < 80, non-HDL-C < 130 Moderate-Low: LDL-C < 100-115High: LDL-C < 77 or ≥ 50% ↓; Alt: ApoB < 80, Non-HDL-C < 100 Intermediate: LDL-C < 77 or ≥ 50% ↓ Alt: ApoB < 80, Non-HDL-C < 100 Low : ≥ 50% ↓ of LDL-CHigh to moderately-high: LDL-C < 100 or non-HDL-C < 130 (goal may be lower for very-high risk) Moderate to low: LDL-C < 130 or non-HDL-C < 160Very-high: LDL-C < 70, non-HDL-C < 100 Alt: ApoB < 80 High-Moderate-Low: LDL-C < 100, non-HDL-C < 130Very-high: LDL-C < 70, ApoB < 80 High: LDL-C < 100, ApoB < 90 Moderately-high: LDL-C < 130 Moderate: LDL-C < 130; Low: LDL-C < 160; All category: HDL-C > 40, TG < 150
Step 3: Treat according to riskVery-high or High: Lifestyle intervention + drug intervention Moderate: Lifestyle inter-vention; consider drug if uncontrolled with lifestyle Low: Life style intervention onlyHigh: Statin and lifestyle change Intermediate: LDL-C > 135: Statin if lifestyle change insufficient; LDL-C < 135: Get ApoB or non-HDL-C: # Apo B > 120 or Non-HDL-C > 165: Start statin if lifestyle change insufficient # Apo B< 120 or Non-HDL-C < 165: Lifestyle change Optional use of secondary test for further stratification Low: LDL-C > 190: Lifestyle change and statin; 5%-9% risk of CVD: Lifestyle change only optional use of secondary test for further stratification; < 5% risk of CVD: Lifestyle change onlyHigh: Statin and lifestyle change Moderately-high: Lifestyle change; Initiation of statin may be considered Moderate: Lifestyle change; initiation of statin may be considered if LDL-C > 160 Low: Lifestyle change onlyVery-high: Statin and lifestyle change; statin optional if baseline LDL-C, non-HDL-C and ApoB below target High: Concurrent statin and lifestyle change or statin after insufficient lifestyle change Moderate: Lifestyle change only; statin may be considered after 3 mo of optimal lifestyle change and LDL-C > 130 Low: Lifestyle change only; statin may be considered after 3 mo of optimal lifestyle change and LDL-C > 160Exclude secondary cause of hyperlipidemia; Lifestyle change; Lipid lowering agent; Combination lipid lowering agent
Step 4: Follow-up lipids1-12 wk after initiation; 1-3 mo after every change of dose or change of medication; Annually when target is achievedEvery 3 mo until target is achieved; Every 4-12 mo when target is achieved6 wk after initiation; Every 6-12 mo when target is achieved
Step 5: Options if target not reachedUp-titration of statin dose; Add non-statin agentAdd non-statin agent; Referral to lipid specialist