Basic Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Biol Chem. May 26, 2017; 8(2): 138-150
Published online May 26, 2017. doi: 10.4331/wjbc.v8.i2.138
Figure 4
Figure 4 DHT promotes nuclear co-localization of androgen receptor and FOXM1. A: GT1-7 cells expressing a YFP-tagged AR were treated as indicated for 24 h prior to staining with anti-FOXM1 (red) and DAPI (blue); B: Quantification of co-localization using Image J demonstrates significant co-localization of FOXM1 and AR in the presence of DHT and DHT + thiostrepton by both Manders split coefficient and Li’s ICQ value. Error bars represent the mean ± SEM, aP < 0.05. AR: Androgen receptor; ICQ: Intensity Correlation Quotient.