Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Feb 27, 2022; 14(2): 161-173
Published online Feb 27, 2022. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v14.i2.161
Table 1 Patients and tumors’ clinical and pathological characteristics before and after propensity score matching
All patients
P valueMatched patients
P value
LTG (n = 78)
OTG (n = 107)
LTG (n = 69)
OTG (n = 69)
Age (yr)52.7 ± 16.156.0 ± 12.00.12053.42 ± 13.453.9 ± 12.70.828
Gender n (%)
Male61 (78.2)78 (72.9)0.40953 (76.8)52 (75.4)0.842
Female17 (21.8)29 (27.1)16 (23.2)17 (24.6)
BMI (kg/m2)22.6 ± 3.123.7 ± 3.70.02822.6 ± 3.122.8 ± 3.30.750
ASA n (%)
1-274 (94.9)99 (92.5)0.52265 (94.2)64 (92.8)1.000
34 (5.1)8 (7.5)4 (5.8)5 (7.2)
The history of abdominalsurgery n (%)
Yes10 (12.8)19 (17.8)0.3628 (11.6)13 (18.8)0.236
No68 (87.2)88 (82.2)61 (88.4)56 (81.2)
Tumor location n (%)0.7750.698
Upper30 (38.5)35 (37.6)28 (25.0)22 (25.0)
Middle25 (32.1)42 (39.3)23 (33.3)26 (37.7)
Lower9 (11.5)12 (11.2)7 (10.1)10 (14.5)
More than two position or total14 (17.9)18 (16.8)11 (15.9)11 (15.9)
Clinical T stage n (%)0.4020.784
23 (3.8)1 (0.9)3 (4.3)1 (1.4)
319 (24.4)26 (24.3)17 (24.6)18 (26.1)
456 (71.8)80 (74.8)49 (71.0)50 (72.5)
Clinical N stage n (%)0.4040.619
01 (1.3)5 (4.7)1 (1.4)3 (4.3)
1-377 (98.7)102 (95.3)68 (98.6)66 (95.7)
Clinical TNM stage n (%)0.9661.000
II4 (5.1)6 (5.6)4 (5.8)4 (5.8)
III73 (93.6)100 (93.5)64 (92.8)65 (94.2)
IVA 1 (1.3)1 (0.9)1 (1.4)0 (0)
Tumor size (cm)5.2 ± 3.16.0 ± 3.40.1265.4 ± 3.35.4 ± 3.10.953
Nerve invasion n (%)1.0000.394
Yes43 (55.1)59 (55.1)38 (55.1)33 (47.8)
No35 (44.9)48 (44.9)31 (44.9)36 (52.2)
Lymph-vascular invasion n (%)0.4101.000
Yes43 (55.1)59 (55.1)23 (33.3)23 (33.3)
No35 (44.9)48 (44.9)46 (66.7)46 (66.7)
Differentiation n (%)0.3600.780
Well4 (5.1)3 (2.8)1 (1.4)2 (2.9)
Moderate24 (30.8)25 (23.4)22 (31.9)19 (27.5)
Poor50 (64.1)79 (73.8)46 (66.7)48 (69.6)
Pathological T stage n (%)0.2540.282
ypT0-18 (10.3)8 (7.5)6 (8.7)7 (10.1)
ypT211 (14.1)7 (6.5)11 (15.9)4 (5.8)
ypT323 (29.5)31 (29.0)17 (24.6)21 (30.4)
ypT4a/4b36 (46.2)61 (57.0)35 (50.7)37 (53.6)
Pathological N stage n (%)0.1680.443
ypN026 (33.3)26 (24.3)23 (33.3)18 (26.1)
ypN112 (15.4)23 (21.5)11 (15.9)18 (26.1)
ypN216 (20.5)14 (13.1)14 (20.3)11 (15.9)
ypN324 (30.8)44 (41.1)21 (30.4)22 (31.9)
Distant metastasis n (%)0.5311.000
Yes6 (7.7)5 (4.7)4 (5.8)3 (4.3)
No72 (92.3)102 (95.3)65 (94.2)66 (95.7)
Pathological TNM stage n (%)0.5760.781
IIA12 (15.4)13 (12.1)10 (14.5)9 (13.0)
IIB17 (55.1)20 (64.5)17 (24.6)13 (18.8)
III43 (55.1)69 (64.5)38 (55.1)44 (63.8)
IV6 (7.7)5 (4.7)4 (5.8)3 (4.3)
Adjuvant chemotherapy n (%)0.8240.848
Yes58 (74.4)78 (72.9)50 (72.5)51 (73.9)
No20 (25.6)29 (27.1)19 (27.5)18 (26.1)