Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Stem Cells. Apr 26, 2020; 12(4): 288-302
Published online Apr 26, 2020. doi: 10.4252/wjsc.v12.i4.288
Table 2 Studies of umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells in Peripheral Nerve Neurotmesis in vivo
Ref.Study DesignCell SourceSubjectTreatment GroupControl GroupExtraction MethodCell TreatmentDelivery MethodFollow-up length (wk)Results
Ma et al[17], 2019Case ControlHumanMurine24 UCMSC-extracellular vesicles injections24 PBSHuman umbilical cords obtained from full-term deliveriesUCMSCs were expanded ex vivo. Passage 3 UCMSCs were usedUCMSC-EV were injected into the tail veins8Significant improvement in SFI, axon regeneration, recovery of motor function and reduced muscle atrophy. Regenerated nerve fibre diameter was larger in USMSC-EV injection groups compared to control
Zarbakhsh et al[11], 2015Case ControlHumanMurine8 silicone tubes filled with fibrin glue seeded with 500000 UCMSCs8 silicone tubes filled with fibrin glue seeded with 500000 rat BMMSCs; 8 control rats with nerve gaps filled with fibrin glueHuman umbilical cords obtained from full-term deliveriesPassage 3 UCMSCs were loaded on a 12 mm silicone tube interposed into a 10 mm nerve gapXenogenic transplantation into sciatic nerve gap specimens12Significant improvement in nerve histomorphology in UCMSC and BMMSC groups compared to controls. BMMSC showed the greater improvement
Cui et al[14], 2018Case ControlHumanCanine5 LOCC with UCMSCs5 negative control; 5 positive control (autografted nerve segment reversed); 5 LOCC onlyHuman umbilical cords obtained from full-term deliveries.UCMSCs were expanded. Passage 3 UCMSCs were cultured and embedded into a LOCCXenogenic transplantation into transected sciatic nerve of 15 months adult Beagles.39Significant improvement in CMAP and conduction latency in LOCC embedded with UCMSC compared to LOCC alone
Pan et al[50], 2017Case ControlHumanRabbit12 NGF loaded HC- scaffold with UCMSCs; 12 HC-scaffold with UCMSCs12 negative control (no grafting into nerve gap); 12 HC-scaffold with PBS; 12 collagen (C)-scaffoldHuman UCMSCs obtained from third party source (Stem Cell Bank of Guangdong Province)Passage 4 UCMSCs were embedded into NGF- loaded HC-scaffold or C-scaffoldXenogenic transplantation into transected recurrent laryngeal nerve tissue specimens with daily penicillin injection until day 5 post-intervention8Significant improvement in transected nerve repair in UCMSC NGF-loaded HC-scaffold as compared to all other groups
Li et al[53], 2012Case ControlHumanMurine40 amnion tube with UCMSCs40 amnion tube with saline implantHuman umbilical cords obtained from full-term deliveriesPassage 3-4 UCMSCs were cultured and loaded on an amniotic scaffoldXenogenic transplantation into transected sciatic nerve tissue specimens20Significant improvement in SFI and CMAP in UCMSC group compared to control. Gradual improvement in threshold stimulus and maximum stimulus intensity in UCMSC group compared to control
Li et al[6], 2013Case ControlHumanHuman12 neurolysis followed by 10 mL UCMSCs injection of 1.75 × 107 cells20 neurolysis onlyHuman umbilical cords obtained from full-term deliveriesPassage 2 UCMSCs were loaded on an amniotic membrane scaffold. Both groups received 3 days of oral cephalosporinAllogenic transplantation into radial nerve injury following radial shaft fracture12Significant improvement in muscular strength, touch and pain sensations in UCMSC group compared to control. Improved electrophysiological function in UCMSC group as compared to control
Matsuse et al[35], 2010Case ControlHumanMurine6 UCMSCs; 10 Induced UCMSC6 negative control; 5 induced UCMSCWharton’s Jelly extracted from umbilical cords of full-term caesarean deliveriesPassage 3 UCMSCs were induced into Schwann-like cellsXenogenic transplantation into transected sciatic nerve tissue specimens.3Significant improvement in SFI in all treated as compared to control with the greatest improvement in UCMSC group
Xiao et al[51], 2015Case ControlHumanRabbit10 chitosan conduit anastomosis bridge filled with UCMSCs10 chitosan conduit anastomosis only; 10 untreatedNot specifiedUCMSCs were loaded into a chitosan conduitXenogenic transplantation into tibial-common peroneal nerve end-to-side anastomosis12Significant improvement in myelin sheath thickness, Schwann cell growth, growth of axis bud and growth velocity of regenerated fibre in UCMSC group compared to controls. No significant difference observed between either control groups
Pereira et al[52], 2014Case ControlHumanMurine6 undifferentiated UCMSCs + PLC; 6 differentiated UCMSCs into neural-glial-like cells + PLC6 untreated; 6 treated with suture; 6 without nerve gapHuman Wharton’s Jelly UCMSCs obtained from third-party source (PromoCell GmbH)Passage 5 UCMSCs were fixed onto PLC scaffoldXenogenic transplantation into sciatic nerve gap specimens20Both UCMSC treated groups showed increased myelin sheath thickness, enhanced recovery in motor and sensory function. No significant difference was noted between differentiated and undifferentiated groups. PLC use did not significantly improve nerve regeneration