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Responsibilities and privileges of Editorial Board Members and peer review process of manuscripts
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Last updated: November 2, 2021

Responsibilities and privileges of Editorial Board Members and peer review process of manuscripts


The responsibilities and privileges of Editorial Board Members are outlined below, along with a description of the peer review process.

1 Responsibilities of Editorial Board Members

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board Members include: (1) Conducting peer review of at least six manuscripts each year. Reviewing the academic and language quality of manuscripts to ensure the academic level of journals. Conducting the manuscript peer-review task timely and carefully. Making a fair and objective evaluation to manuscripts, and giving detailed reasons for accept/reject a manuscript and detailed comments of revision(2) willingness to track the post-publication evaluations on the manuscripts you reviewed(3) willingness to organize a special topic, by inviting 7-10 manuscripts from experts and scholars in the field to contribute manuscripts on a hot topic; (4) recommending high-quality manuscripts for submission to the journal; (5) promoting published articles, including through use of personal social media to forward the articles published in the journal and share them with more colleagues; and (6) recommending distinguished experts and scholars in the field to join the Editorial Board as new members.

2 Privileges of Editorial Board Members

Privileges enjoyed by Editorial Board Members include: (1) regular invitations to contribute editorials and review articles for the journal, for which the publication fee will be waived; (2) a 10% discount of the publishing fee for other articles submitted by the member; (3) a listing of personal professional information on the journal’s homepage; (4) public acknowledgement of related contributions to the journal, by posting of the member’s name and number of manuscripts he/she reviewed on the journal’s website. For details, please visit: https://www.f6publishing.com/HighlyInfluentialPeerReviewers; and (5) selection of outstanding members of the Editorial Board to appear as the cover figures published on the cover page of each issue.

3 Peer review process

The peer review model is single blind; however, the reviewer can choose to hidden or not hidden his/her name to the author. Both the invited and unsolicited manuscripts will be externally peer reviewed. Our artificial intelligence system automatically selects 20 external peer reviewers for each manuscript from our database of high-impact experts and scholars. At the same time, our science editor manually selects 10 Editorial Board Members in a double-blind manner to review the manuscript. Usually, the peer review process takes 7-14 days to complete. Before the formal peer review is initiated, peer reviewers should consider and answer the following two questions: (1) Does the manuscript have a conflict with your interests? (2) Does the research content of the manuscript meet the requirements of ethical norms? unsolicited

The peer review of manuscripts should be conducted according to the criteria checklist for new manuscript peer-review. For details, please visit: https://www.wjgnet.com/bpg/GerInfo/241.

Before the formal publication of a manuscript, it will undergo pre-review, review, re-review, and final review steps that are completed by the Scientific Editor, Editorial Director, Journal Editor-in-Chief, Company Editor-in-Chief, external peer reviewers, and Editorial Board Members. Based on the peer-reviewed report, ethical documents, and CrossCheck and Google Check results, the editorial office will synthesize all opinions to make an evaluation on the scientific quality, language quality, and academic ethics of the manuscript. The final decisions include: Accept (High priority), Accept (General priority), Minor revision, Major revision, and Rejection.