Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
Artif Intell Gastroenterol. Nov 28, 2020; 1(4): 71-85
Published online Nov 28, 2020. doi: 10.35712/aig.v1.i4.71
Table 4 Previous studies on the pathology of colorectal cancer using artificial intelligence
Sample size
Analysis method
Diagnostic performance
Van Eycke et al[43] CRC H&E staining, IHC imageSegmentation of the glandular epitheliumTMA, CNNF1 value: 0,912
Graham et al[44] CRC H&E stainingDifferentiation of intratumor glands CNNF1 values: 0.90
Abdelsamea et al[45] CRC 333 samplesH&E staining, IHC (CD3)Differentiation of the tumor epitheliumTMA, CNNAccuracy: 0.93-0.94
Yan et al[46] CRCH&E stainingTumor classification,segmentation of tumors, CNNAccuracy: Classification, 97.8%; segmentation, 84%
Haj-Hassan et al[47] CRC Multispectral imagesSegmentation of carcinomaCNNAccuracy: 99.1%
Rathore et al[48] CRC Biopsy samples H&E stainingDetection and grading of tumorsTexture and morphology patterns, SVMRecognition rate: Detection, 95.4%; grading; 93.4%
Yang et al[49] CRC 180 samplesH&E stainingDiagnosis of benign tumors, neoplasms, and carcinomaSVM, histogram, texture AUC: 0.852
Chaddad et al[50] CRC 30 casesH&E stainingDiagnosis of carcinoma, adenoma, and benign tumorsAutomatic segmentation, textureAccuracy: 98.9%
Yoshida et al[51] CRC 1328 samplesH&E stainingDiagnosis of benign tumors, neoplasms, and carcinomaCNN, automatic analysis of structureUndetected rate of carcinoma and adenoma: 0-9.3% and 0-9.9%, respectively
Takamatsu et al[52] CRC surgery397 samplesH&E stainingPrediction of lymph node metastasisLR, shape analysisAUC: 0.94
Weis et al[53] CRC 596 casesIHC (AE1/AE3)Automatic evaluation of tumor buddingTMA, CNNCorrelation; R2 value: 0.86
Bychkov et al[54]CRC surgery420 casesH&E stainingPrediction of survivalTMA, CNNGood biomarker for predicting survival
Kather et al[55] CRC 973 slidesH&E stainingPrediction of survivalStromal pattern, CNNGood biomarker for predicting survival
Reichling et al[56] CRC surgery1018 casesHE, IHC (CD3, CD8)Prediction of survivalRF, monogramGood biomarker for predicting survival