Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Transplant. Feb 28, 2020; 10(2): 29-46
Published online Feb 28, 2020. doi: 10.5500/wjt.v10.i2.29
Table 3 Early vs late onset post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders in pediatrics[46]
General criteriaDiffuse large B-cell or other B-cell lymphomaBurkitt’s lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease are late events[47]
Atypical presentation (graft dysfunction, abdominal pain, frequent extra-nodal involvement in > 80% of TR)[46]Frequent EBV negative tumors. Specific tumorigenic events e.g., C-myc translocations are restricted to late PTLDs
Time to PTLDShortest for lung, heart/lung TR. Early PTLD is quite frequent in liver TR (Late PTLD beyond 5 yr is rare, immunosuppression can be tapered/hold due to tolerance)Longest for the heart TR and at risk for late PTLD even > 10 yr after trans-plantation
Patient survivalNo significant difference in most published studies[20,47-49]
Distinct criteriaB-cell origin, almost exclusively EBV+ve, reflecting reduced immunosurv-eillance as major pathogenetic factorResembles tumors with distinct pathogenetic alterations and nodal appearance[46]
Role of immunos-uppressionInduction therapy has a role. More likely to develop graft rejection and switch to Tac before PTLD diagnosisCumulative immunosuppression is crucial