Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Psychiatr. Dec 22, 2017; 7(4): 197-206
Published online Dec 22, 2017. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v7.i4.197
Table 1 Pre-seminar questionnaire
SectionQuestionAnswer options
Knowledge about forensic mental healthHave you heard the term “Forensic psychiatry?”Yes or No
Do you know the content of the MHW Act?Well known, a little, or No
Have you heard the concept of criminal responsibility?Yes or No
Did you know about the introduction of the MTS Act?Yes or No
Did you know about the introduction of the Lay Judge Act?Yes or No
Opinion about forensic mental healthOpinion toward OIHDefinitely agree, relatively agree, neutral, relatively disagree, or definitely disagree
Opinion toward the concept of criminal responsibilityDefinitely agree, relatively agree, neutral, relatively disagree, or definitely disagree
Opinion toward the MTS ActDefinitely agree, relatively agree, neutral, relatively disagree, or definitely disagree
Opinion toward the Lay Judge ActDefinitely agree, relatively agree, neutral, relatively disagree, or definitely disagree
About the relationship between psychiatry and the mass mediaOpportunity to see media reports regarding psychiatryMany, relatively many, neutral, relatively few, or few
Opinion toward the optimal frequency of media reports regarding psychiatryMore than now, neutral, or less than now
Opportunity to see media reports about the relationship between psychiatry and crimesIncreased, no change, or decreased
Opinion toward the optimal frequency of media reports regarding the relationship between psychiatry and crimesMore than now, neutral, or less than now
About the responderShould the media maintain anonymity in reporting crime cases with mental disorders?Definitely agree, relatively agree, neutral, relatively disagree, or definitely disagree
Age< 20, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-79, or > 79
SexMale or female
OccupationMedical practitioner, medical student, or other