Systematic Reviews
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2017.
World J Psychiatr. Mar 22, 2017; 7(1): 44-59
Published online Mar 22, 2017. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v7.i1.44
Table 3 Included relevant articles examining attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and suicidality from January 2011 to January 2015: Suicidality in patients with psychiatric disorders who have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder comorbidity
Suicidality in patients with psychiatric disorders who have ADHD comorbidity
Ref.CountryStudy designSamplePopulation at onsetPopulation’s age at onsetMeasures for ADHD, comorbid conditions and suicidalityMain findings

Bácskai et al[41]HungaryCross-sectionalClinical sample198 patients with drug dependence (male ratio: 76%) Drug dependent patients without ADHD: n = 154 Drug dependent patients with ADHD: n = 44Age range: 18-40 yr Mean age of the whole sample: 27 yr (SD = 6.31)ASRS, EuroADAD, BDIDrug dependent patients with ADHD showed a significantly higher proportion of suicidal ideation, suicidal attempts and self-injuries associated with suicidal attempts than drug dependent patients without ADHD
Berkol et al[42]TurkeyCross-sectionalClinical samplePatients with BD type I and II Adult BP with ADHD: n = 23 Adult BP without ADHD: n = 32BP adults with ADHD: Mean age: 35.1 yr (SD = 10.7) BP adults without ADHD: Mean age: 41.3 yr (SD = 13.0)ADHD scale Mood disorder modul of SCID-I-CVIn the BP with ADHD group, the rate of suicide attempts (47.8%) was significantly higher than in the BP without ADHD group (21.9%)
Donev et al[43]GermanyCross-sectionalClinical samplePatients with schizophrenia according to ICD-10 criteria: n = 27 (14 male) Patients with schizophrenia and no ADHD: n = 15 Patients with schizophrenia and ADHD: n = 12Age range: 18-44 yr Mean age: 25.7 yr (SD = 7.6)ADHD-HKS QuestionnaireAmong patients with both schizophrenia and ADHD there were significantly higher number of suicide attempts than among those with schizophrenia without ADHD
Huntley et al[31]United KingdomCross-sectionalClinical sampleParticipants from two in-patient alcohol and drug detoxification units: n = 226 (male ratio: 76.5%) Patient with alcohol/drug intoxication + ADHD: n = 11 Patient with alcohol/drug intoxication without ADHD: n = 183Mean age: 39.0 yr (SD = 10.3)DSM-IV 18-item self-report ADHD screening questionnaires for both current and childhood behavior Impairment questions from the Barkley scales DIVAPatients with both substance use disorders and ADHD had significantly higher rates of prior suicide attempts than patients with substance use disorder without ADHD
Patros et al[44]United StatesCross-sectionalCommunity sampleCollege students: n = 1056 (male ratio: 38.5%)Age range: 18 yr of age or older; 96.4% aged 18-24 yrCSS, HDSQHigher hyperactive/attention symptoms were associated with increase in suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts, and need for medical attention after suicide attempts, among participants with depressed mood
Penney et al[45]CanadaCross-sectionalClinical sampleClients who presented for treatment at an addictions facility: n = 5990 (male ratio: 63.1%) Clients who reported being hospitalized for attempting suicide in the past year: n = 76 All other clients: n = 5914Age range: 11-86 yr Mean age: 32.60 yr (SD = 14.55)Clients reported whether or not they had been diagnosed by a mental health professional in the last 12 mo and in heir lifetimeCompared to all other clients, clients who attempted suicide in the past year were significantly more likely to have ADHD (9.2% vs 2.5%)
Sáez-Francàs et al[46]SpainCross-sectionalClinical sampleAdult CFS patients: n = 158 CFS patients with adult ADHD: n = 33 (male ratio: 3.0%) CFS patients without adult ADHD (male ratio: 6.4%)CFS + ADHD: Mean age: 47.55 yr (SD = 7.99) CFS: Mean age: 48.60 yr (SD = 8.88)CAADID Suicide risk was studied with the Plutchick Risk of Suicide Scale (Plutchik et al, 1989), a 15-item self-report scale with dichotomous responses. Values above the cut-off point of 6 indicate a risk of suicideCFS patients with adult ADHD had a higher risk of suicide than CFS patients without ADHD