Copyright ©The Author(s) 2018.
World J Stomatol. Nov 26, 2018; 6(2): 11-18
Published online Nov 26, 2018. doi: 10.5321/wjs.v6.i2.11
Table 1 Type of sensory and behavioral difficulties associated with autism
Type of sensory and behavioral difficultiesDescription
VisualsInterest in rotating, colored or moving objects;
AuditoryChanges in sensory processing manifested as hypo or hypersensitivity;
TactileReactions exacerbated by textures, touches, clothes, shoes and difficulty performing daily activities such as brushing teeth, cutting nails and cutting hair;
ProprioceptiveDifficulties in feeling their body in space
GustatoryIn form of refusal of food;
FlappingEnjoy hitting their arms excessively against some specific surface
RockingEnjoy hitting their whole body against some specific surface
SpinningEnjoy spinning excessively
Excessive ordering and stiffnessDifficulty performing actions and activities outside of your routine
Escape, avoidance or isolation behaviorIt is usually related to auditory hypersensitivity and stimulus overload;
AggressivenessCaused by or as a reflex of sensory overload;
HyperfocusThe child usually has a deep concentration, observing only some details in the environment;
Difficulties of attentionIt is believed that more than half of the children with autism spectrum disorder have behaviors compatible with attention deficit disorder and/ or hyperactivity.
Eidetic memoryThe person has a mental photograph of an event in their memory
DyspraxiaDifficulty in planning, sequencing and performing motor actions due to sensory problems