Case Control Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2023.
World J Gastrointest Surg. Aug 27, 2023; 15(8): 1629-1640
Published online Aug 27, 2023. doi: 10.4240/wjgs.v15.i8.1629
Table 1 Characteristics of patients undergoing endoscopic submucosal dissection and laparoscopic surgery

ESD with/without backup surgery (n = 100)
Laparoscopic surgery (n = 94)
OR (95%CI)
P value
Age, yr, median (range) 56 (49-62)62 (52-70)1.04 (1.02-1.07)0.001a
Male gender, n (%)46 (46)47 (50)1.17 (0.67-2.06)0.577
Tumor size, n (%)
    ≤ 2 cm72 (72)15 (16)1
    3-5 cm26 (26)54 (57.4)9.97 (4.82-20.62)< 0.001a
    > 5 cm2 (2)25 (26.6)60 (12.81-281)< 0.001a
Tumor location, n (%)
    Upper81 (81)61 (64.9)1
    Middle6 (6)14 (14.9)3.1 (1.13-8.53)0.029a
    Low13 (13)19 (20.2)1.94 (0.89-4.23)0.096
Layer of tumor origin, n (%)
    Submucosa6 (6)3 (3.2)1
    Muscularis propria94 (94)91 (96.8)1.94 (0.47-7.97)0.36
Exophytic growth, n (%)11 (11)53 (56.4)10.46 (4.95-22.08)< 0.001a
Pathology, n (%)
    Benign55 (55)14 (14.9)1
    Malignant or malignant potential45 (45)80 (85.1)6.98 (3.5-13.94)< 0.001a
Procedure time, min, median (IQR)75 (40-138)130 (100-169)-< 0.001a
Length of stay, d, median (IQR)5 (4-7)6 (4-6)-0.923
Clavien ≥ III complication, n (%)5 (5)3 (3.2)-0.527