Copyright ©2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Diabetes. Dec 15, 2013; 4(6): 256-262
Published online Dec 15, 2013. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v4.i6.256
Table 1 Contraindications to physical activity during pregnancy and warning signs for termination
Contraindications to exercise[19]Significant cardiopulmonary disease, restrictive lung disease, incompetent cervix/cerclage, multiple gestation at risk for premature labor, persistent second- or third-trimester bleeding, placenta previa after 26 wk of gestation, premature labor during the current pregnancy, ruptured membranes, and preeclampsia/pregnancy-induced hypertension
Warning signs to terminate or avoid exerciseVaginal bleeding, dyspnea prior to exertion, dizziness, headache, chest pain, muscle weakness, calf pain or swelling, preterm labor, decreased fetal movement, or amniotic fluid leakage