Observational Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2022.
World J Diabetes. Mar 15, 2022; 13(3): 260-271
Published online Mar 15, 2022. doi: 10.4239/wjd.v13.i3.260
Table 2 Demographic characteristics, cardiovascular complications and medication use by age of diagnosis

Age at T2DM diagnosis
Total sample (n = 1409)
Under 40 yr (n = 196)
40-59 yr (n = 846)
60 yr or over (n = 367)
Number of participants from each dataset, n (%)
CODEC111 (56.6)636 (75.2)326 (88.8)1073 (76.2)
LYDIA35 (17.9)41 (4.9)0 (0.0)76 (5.4)
EXPEDITION20 (10.2)0 (0.0)0 (0.0)20 (1.4)
DIASTOLIC17 (8.7)72 (8.5)0 (0.0)89 (6.3)
PREDICT13 (6.6)97 (11.5)41 (11.2)151 (10.7)
Current age, yr (n = 1408)46 (38-55)61 (56-67)71 (68-73)63 (55-69)
Diabetes duration, yr (n = 1408)11 (5-21)10 (5-15)5 (3-8)8 (4-14)
Sex, n (%)
Male100 (51.0)565 (66.8)243 (66.2)908 (64.4)
Female96 (49.0)281 (33.2)124 (33.8)501 (35.6)
Ethnicity, n (%)
White125 (63.8)665 (78.6)333 (90.7)1123 (79.7)
Asian55 (28.1)145 (17.1)28 (7.6)228 (16.2)
Other6 (3.1)33 (3.9)5 (1.4)44 (3.1)
Unknown10 (5.1)3 (0.4)1 (0.3)14 (1.0)
Smoking status, n (%)
Current smoker24 (12.2)66 (7.8)20 (5.5)110 (7.98)
Ex-smoker58 (29.6)367 (43.4)182 (49.6)607 (43.1)
Never smoked114 (58.2)413 (48.8)165 (45.0)692 (49.1)
Family history of T2D, n (%)
Yes90 (45.9)326 (38.5)131 (35.7)547 (38.8)
No37 (18.9)264 (31.2)169 (46.1)470 (33.3)
Unknown69 (35.2)256 (30.3)67 (18.3)393 (27.9)
Cardiovascular complications, n (%)
Myocardial infarction (n = 1233)7 (4.3)60 (8.0)36 (11.1)103 (8.4)
Heart failure (n = 1229)4 (2.5)12 (1.6)9 (2.8)25 (2.0)
Heart valve disease (n = 1228)3 (1.8)22 (3.0)11 (3.4)36 (2.9)
Atrial fibrillation (n = 1223)2 (1.2)42 (5.7)20 (6.2)64 (5.2)
Peripheral vascular disease (n = 1227)7 (4.4)43 (5.8)21 (6.5)71 (5.8)
Stroke (n = 1235)3 (1.9)31 (4.1)24 (7.4)58 (4.7)
Angina (n = 1230)5 (3.1)60 (8.1)33 (10.2)98 (8.0)
Glucose-lowering medication use, n (%)
Any glucose-lowering medication (n = 1403)185 (94.9)753 (89.5)257 (70.0)1195 (85.2)
Insulin74 (37.8)178 (21.0)24 (6.5)276 (19.6)
Metformin (n = 1407)157 (80.1)658 (78.0)234 (63.8)1049 (74.6)
Sulphonylurias (n = 1407)36 (18.4)205 (24.3)51 (13.9)292 (20.8)
DPP-4 inhibitors18 (9.2)139 (16.4)39 (10.6)196 (13.9)
GLP-1 agonists33 (16.8)63 (7.5)9 (2.5)105 (7.5)
SGLT2 inhibitors (n = 1389)27 (17.0)89 (11.5)15 (4.1)131 (10.1)
Other1 (n = 1390)3 (1.9)19 (2.4)4 (1.1)26 (2.0)
Lipid-lowering medication use, n (%)
Any lipid-lowering medication (n = 1407)112 (57.4)583 (69.0)254 (69.2)949 (67.5)
Statins (n = 1408)108 (55.4)580 (68.6)251 (68.4)939 (66.7)
Fibrates (n = 1407)10 (5.1)23 (2.7)4 (1.1)37 (2.6)
Antihypertensive medication use, n (%)
Any antihypertensive medication (n = 1389)97 (54.8)582 (68.8)252 (68.9)931 (67.0)
ACE inhibitors (n = 1390)68 (38.4)356 (42.1)125 (34.1)549 (39.5)
Alpha blockers (n = 1388)8 (4.6)86 (10.2)53 (14.5)147 (10.6)
Angiotensin receptor blockers (n = 1389)17 (9.7)134 (15.8)61 (16.6)212 (15.3)
Beta blockers (n = 1388)20 (11.4)157 (18.6)70 (19.1)247 (17.8)
Calcium channel blockers (n = 1389)31 (17.6)246 (29.1)103 (28.1)380 (27.4)
Diuretics (n = 1389)25 (14.2)122 (14.4)58 (15.8)205 (14.8)
Metabolic syndrome prevalence, n (%)2 (n = 1290)159 (94.1) 697 (90.2) 298 (85.6) 1154 (89.5)