Retrospective Study
Copyright ©The Author(s) 2020.
World J Gastrointest Endosc. May 16, 2020; 12(5): 149-158
Published online May 16, 2020. doi: 10.4253/wjge.v12.i5.149
Table 4 DEN protocol
Perform all procedures under general anesthesia to protect the patient’s airway. Do not administer routine antibiotic prophylaxis except in patients undergoing treatment of infected necrosis.
Access the cavity with the AXIOS™ Stent and Electrocautery Enhanced Delivery System either through a GF-UCT180 curvilinear array ultrasound gastrovideoscope, or the TGF-UC180J forward-viewing curvilinear array ultrasound gastrovideoscope. Trans-gastric access is preferred, but if no safe window is found, trans-duodenal access is acceptable.
Deploy and dilate the LAMS on the same session. Dilation should be made with the distal 2 cm of the 12-13.5-15 mm CRE balloon dilation catheters in a sequential manner holding each diameter for 1 min until the maximum of 15 mm is achieved.
Perform the first DEN ≥ 1 wk after initial drainage and repeat weekly until the cavity is free of necrosum. Infuse 60 cc of 3% H2O2 into the cavity at the end of each DEN. Extending each DEN for > 1 h is not recommended.
Perform DEN with the EVIS EXERA III GIF-HQ190 or the II GIF-2TH180 video gastroscopes. If the 2TH180 is used, caution needs to be exercised as passing this endoscope through the LAMS may increase the risk of dislodgement.
Perform debridement with metal snares such as the CaptiflexTM or the HistolockTM. Avoid using other devices, especially those with open prongs as these may get entangled with the LAMS and force stent removal.
Obtain cross-sectional imaging once the cavity is free of necrosum and preparations are being made for stent removal (unless any acute adverse events are suspected before that).
Once the cavity is clean, remove the LAMS with a rat tooth forceps.