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Dr. Dwivedi completed Masters/PhD (Statistics) degrees from Banaras Hindu University. He is Professor of Biostatistics, at Department of Biostatistics, and Adjunct Faculty of Clinical Epidemiology Unit, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. Earlier, Research-Officer/Senior Research Officer, at Bhopal Gas Disaster Research Centre (presently, National Institute for Research in Environmental Health), Bhopal. He has been contributing innovatively through epidemiological/ biostatistical research including Randomized controlled trials /Systematic-review & Meta analysis/Epidemiological Modelling with a focus on cancer/drug abuse. He has been lecturing in India/abroad as Visiting Professor (e.g., Gothenburg School of Public Health, Sweden; College of Medicine, St. Georges’ University, Grenada, West-Indies; University of Dammam, Saudi-Arabia). He gave an invited research-seminar at Department of Biostatistics, University of Buffalo, USA. Dr. Dwivedi has been guiding Ph.D. students not only in biostatistics (Chief-guide:07; Co-guide:05) but also involved as Co-guide (more than 150) in other medical disciplines (for PhD/ MD/MS/MCh). He is also associated with research activities at Centre for Integrative Medicine and Research, AIIMS. In addition to his various methodological research projects of clinical/public health importance, keeps collaborating with clinicians in large scale community projects, presently Co-investigator (Biostatistics) for the AIIMS Cohort Study, under Indo-Dutch (AIIMS-Erasmus) Collaboration. He has about 200 research publications. He has been serving as external examiner for PhD/ Masters Degrees at various academic/ research institutes. He has jointly authored a book, “Medical Statistics: Principles and Methods”. Further, he has been serving as editor/ member of editorial committees/ reviewer of national/international journals including Biometrics/ JRSS (B)/ Statistics in Medicine. He has been serving as Member/ Co-chair of various committees at AIIMS (Committee to assess the need of establishing School of Public Health; Ethics Committee; Committee for Intramural-funding; Selection Committee) and ICMR/DHR/Ministries (Project Advisory/Project Review/Task-Force/Scientific Advisory/Selection Committees).He is member/life member of various national/international societies including Royal Statistical Society, International Clinical Epidemiology Network, International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, International Epidemiological Association & International Biometric Society. He has various awards to his credit. He has been a WHO Fellow. He is elected Fellow of the Indian Society for Medical Statistics and elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He has been helping the society in various capacities (Treasurer/ Member of Executive/Award/Nomination/FSMS committees). Dr. Dwivedi is presently founder Vice President of the Society for Evidence Based Health Care, India. He has made multiple academic visits to each of various countries, e.g., USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, West Indies, Italy, Sweden, The Netherlands, Belgium, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia).