Brief Article
Copyright copy;2010 Baishideng Publishing Group Co.
World J Gastroenterol. Sep 7, 2010; 16(33): 4169-4175
Published online Sep 7, 2010. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v16.i33.4169
Table 1 Histopathologic grading (Brunt)[18] of different finding in liver biopsies of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis patients
Grade I< 33% of hepatocytes affected
Grade II33%-66% of hepatocytes affected
Grade III> 66% of hepatocytes affected
No fibrosisNo fibrosis
Grade IZone 3 perisinusoidal pericellular fibrosis, focally or extensively present
Grade IIZone 3 perisinusoidal pericellular fibrosis, with focal or extensive periportal fibrosis
Grade IIIZone 3 perisinusoidal pericellular fibrosis and portal fibrosis with extensive or focal bridging fibrosis
Hepatocyte ballooning
No ballooningNo ballooning
Grade ISometimes, zone 3
Grade IIEvident, zone 3
Grade IIISymptomatic, more dominant in zone 3
Lobar inflamation
No changeNo change
Grade IDiffuse neutrophils, monocytes at 1 or 2 points in a 20 × microscopic field
Grade IIPMN with ballooning hepatocytes, chronic inflammation at 2 to 4 points in a 20 × microscopic field
Portal inflamation
No changeNo change
Grade IMild, some portal areas
Grade IIMild to moderate, most portal areas
Grade IIIModerate to severe, most portal areas
Table 2 Baseline and clinical characteristics of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis patients regarding different sex and age groups (mean ± SD)
VariableTotal (n = 77)Sex groups
P-valueAge groups
Male (n = 58)Female (n = 19)< 55 yr (n = 65)≥ 55 yr (n = 12)
Age (yr)41.99 ± 11.8039.74 ± 10.1648.72 ± 13.990.004a---
Gender, n (%)
Female19 (24.7)---14 (21.5)5 (41.6)0.214
Male58 (75.3)51 (78.5)7 (58.4)
BMI (kg/m2)28.62 ± 3.4228.86 ± 3.2527.81 ± 4.000.33628.74 ± 3.5526.87 ± 2.520.186
Fasting blood sugar (mg/dL)107.37 ± 47.60103.16 ± 47.39121.14 ± 47.140.195107.88 ± 52.06114.12 ± 25.850.742
Total cholesterol (mg/dL)197.29 ± 47.81192.07 ± 45.52212.68 ± 52.260.105197.07 ± 46.98200.67 ± 37.820.827
Triglyceride (mg/dL)202.26 ± 118.13201.72 ± 97.26203.89 ± 169.650.947206.40 ± 121.92202.33 ± 100.360.876
LDL-cholesterol (mg/dL)119.09 ± 39.20119.87 ± 35.00117.13 ± 49.640.822118.27 ± 38.74134.43 ± 40.130.313
HDL-cholesterol (mg/dL)46.61 ± 24.5344.97 ± 25.2050.87 ± 22.970.30147.86 ± 26.4540.12 ± 13.680.891
PTT (s)12.47 ± 1.5012.39 ± 1.6612.72 ± 0.860.84612.45 ± 1.5812.40 ± 1.520.842
Platelet count (/L)358 505 ± 48 852357 505 ± 52 403361 125 ± 39 9540.122395 325 ± 55 385237 385 ± 63 7530.964
ALT (U/L)117.73 ± 237.5292.05 ± 60.72196.11 ± 466.820.943123.21 ± 260.49100.44 ± 91.570.772
AST (U/L)58.29 ± 27.7752.78 ± 25.0075.11 ± 29.680.002a57.28 ± 28.1757.89 ± 20.520.951
Alk-P (U/L)176.48 ± 96.95171.14 ± 92.19192.21 ± 111.000.417176.11 ± 94.50183.44 ± 128.400.837
γ-GTP (U/L)29.55 ± 28.4028.69 ± 30.9531.42 ± 24.470.85228.74 ± 3.5515.17 ± 3.760.333
Table 3 Histopathologic characteristics of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis patients regarding different sex and age groups (mean ± SD) n (%)
FindingTotal (n = 77)Sex groups
P-valueAge groups
Male (n = 58)Female (n = 19)< 55 yr (n = 65)≥ 55 yr (n = 12)
Grade I36 (46.8)30 (51.7)6 (31.6)34 (54)1 (11.2)
Grade II29 (37.7)22 (37.9)7 (36.8)0.06823 (36.5)4 (44.4)0.007a
Grade III12 (15.6)6 (10.3)6 (31.6)6 (9.5)4 (44.4)
Mean grade1.69 ± 0.731.59 ± 0.682.00 ± 0.820.031a1.56 ± 0.672.33 ± 0.710.002a
No fibrosis31 (41.3)24 (42.1)7 (38.9)27 (44.3)2 (22.2)
Grade I29 (38.7)24 (42.1)5 (27.8)22 (36.1)4 (44.4)
Grade II7 (9.3)4 (7)3 (16.7)0.5636 (9.8)1 (11.1)0.307
Grade III3 (4)2 (3.5)1 (5.6)3 (4.9)-
Cirrhosis5 (6.7)3 (5.3)2 (11.1)3 (4.9)2 (22.2)
Mean grade0.96 ± 1.130.88 ± 1.051.22 ± 1.350.2630.91 ± 1.091.56 ± 1.510.115
Hepatocyte ballooning
No ballooning52 (72.2)41 (74.5)11 (64.7)42 (71.2)6 (75)
Grade I12 (16.7)8 (14.5)4 (23.5)0.22411 (18.6)1 (12.5)0.935
Grade II7 (9.7)6 (10.9)1 (5.9)5 (8.5)1 (12.5)
Grade III1 (1.4)-1 (5.9)1 (1.7)-
Mean grade0.40 ± 0.720.36 ± 0.680.53 ± 0.870.4480.41 ± 0.720.37 ± 0.740.864
Lobar inflammation
No change25 (36.8)23 (42.6)2 (14.3)18 (31.6)6 (100)
Grade I37 (54.4)27 (50)10 (71.4)0.13834 (59.6)-0.005a
Grade II6 (8.8)4 (7.4)2 (14.3)5 (8.8)-
Mean grade0.72 ± 0.620.65 ± 0.621.00 ± 0.550.0520.77 ± 0.60-0.004a
Portal inflammation
No change41 (55.3)33 (58.9)8 (44.4)35 (58.3)3 (33.3)
Grade I25 (33.8)19 (33.9)6 (33.3)19 (31.7)5 (55.6)0.045a
Grade II6 (8.1)3 (5.4)3 (16.7)0.1925 (8.3)-
Grade III2 (2.8)1 (1.8)1 (5.6)1 (1.7)1 (11.1)
Mean grade0.59 ± 0.810.52 ± 0.760.83 ± 0.920.1630.55 ± 0.790.89 ± 0.930.200